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🤢Gross NSFP (I can’t spoil the upload, don’t open if sensitive)

Got an armadillo in the live trap last night. I opened the door and shook the cage at dawn. Stupid fuck is still sitting there sleeping and actually moved further back into the cage than it was when I left it this morning.
Oh this cunt is gonna die. The biggie coon got trapped last night. And it broken through the rear of hte live trap. Busted every weld. That is one big, strong coon to break that thing.
Your shit is crazy. I live in the country and don't have any of your issues.

My biggest problem is my neighbor's chickens like to shit on my porch. My BB gun has been fixing that issue.
ufgators68 said:
Your shit is crazy. I live in the country and don't have any of your issues.

My biggest problem is my neighbor's chickens like to shit on my porch. My BB gun has been fixing that issue.
Less opportunities for food in the city I guess. They also have constant free food with all these outdoor cats so it draws them in.
Juggs said:
Less opportunities for food in the city I guess. They also have constant free food with all these outdoor cats so it draws them in.

100%. We used to leave food out for one of our cats and sure enough we quickly had a mama raccoon and her babies breaking through the pool screen to come get it.
DocZaius said:
Juggs said:
Less opportunities for food in the city I guess. They also have constant free food with all these outdoor cats so it draws them in.

100%. We used to leave food out for one of our cats and sure enough we quickly had a mama raccoon and her babies breaking through the pool screen to come get it.
Over the last year when I didn't have chickens, any time I was outside smoking a cigar at night near the cat food, a coon would walk right around the corner to within feet of me and I'd have to run it off. But it would go like 5 feet and wait. Then hide under my truck and wait. And half my cul-de-sac has outdoor cats.

I'm also pretty sure they live in my neighbors backyard. Almost the entire thing is a bamboo jungle. Otherwise their path is through 2 neighbors yards, then a quarter mile through the cemetery to get back into the several wood acres behind the that. Possible, but given that they've popped up at dusk, I assume they're much closer.

I'm about to abandon the live trap and put a conibear in it's place. I don't *think* I'll get a cat. They always just go over fences or walk an extra 20 feet to go around the fence instead of under it. The neighbors had some work done and haven't rebuilt the front portion of their fence. But these critters keep coming under the fence in their normal path right into the same trap :lol:
I just put 30 zip ties around the entire rear of the trap. Fucking cunt. Of course after I set it again, fuck it.....cats better not go that direction. Kill trap is in front of the live trap. If it comes through that spot again, broken neck
Really bizarre. The body trap was set in front of the live trap. Coon is in the live trap this morning with the body trap set off and caught in the live trap's door. None of it seems physically possible.
Soooo...4 cops show up at my house last night at 8:30. Said they had reports of "the smell of death" coming from my house from my house for 2 months. Now, my parents are visiting and my dad answered the door. My daughter had walked by. I go out there and they tell me the deal. I give them the, "Beats me" reaction, I haven't smelled anything (true). They said they couldn't smell anything either and left. Then they went out on the road and I could see a flashlight shining a light into the corner of the yard.

There is a decomposed critter body in that corner. Weirdly I did not put that armadillo there. There is roadkill in that area also. But regardless, whoever called this in (I'm sure it was my cunt neighbor who called the city on me for not having a permit for a chicken coop - which isn't a thing, and called the city on the neighbor for building a nice shed in his yard suspecting he didn't have a permit. The same woman who bitched at me for having limbs on my roof that she could see from her kitchen and she hated looking at it, even though it was HER tree that kept dropping limbs).....time frame was off in they are smelling anything I killed. 3 or 4 weeks, tops.

Still, one of my traps can be visible, though a little hard to see, from the front of my yard. Might take a little trespassing to see it, which I went out last night and blocked the view.

If cops saw it was an animal rotting, I'm sure it gets dropped. They're not wasting police resources on a critter. I'm sure they heard "smell of death" and were required to make sure I didn't have a body or some shit. They didn't say coming from a yard. They said "coming from the house behind the sign", which is me. It could have been a pedestrian on the sidewalk who called it in, but I thought I heard him say a neighbor did...but I already forgot :lol:
Juggs said:
Soooo...4 cops show up at my house last night at 8:30. Said they had reports of "the smell of death" coming from my house from my house for 2 months. Now, my parents are visiting and my dad answered the door. My daughter had walked by. I go out there and they tell me the deal. I give them the, "Beats me" reaction, I haven't smelled anything (true). They said they couldn't smell anything either and left. Then they went out on the road and I could see a flashlight shining a light into the corner of the yard.

There is a decomposed critter body in that corner. Weirdly I did not put that armadillo there. There is roadkill in that area also. But regardless, whoever called this in (I'm sure it was my cunt neighbor who called the city on me for not having a permit for a chicken coop - which isn't a thing, and called the city on the neighbor for building a nice shed in his yard suspecting he didn't have a permit. The same woman who bitched at me for having limbs on my roof that she could see from her kitchen and she hated looking at it, even though it was HER tree that kept dropping limbs).....time frame was off in they are smelling anything I killed. 3 or 4 weeks, tops.

Still, one of my traps can be visible, though a little hard to see, from the front of my yard. Might take a little trespassing to see it, which I went out last night and blocked the view.

If cops saw it was an animal rotting, I'm sure it gets dropped. They're not wasting police resources on a critter. I'm sure they heard "smell of death" and were required to make sure I didn't have a body or some shit. They didn't say coming from a yard. They said "coming from the house behind the sign", which is me. It could have been a pedestrian on the sidewalk who called it in, but I thought I heard him say a neighbor did...but I already forgot :lol:
I have to call the city about every other week because they skip my street on trash day. One of the opening statements is that there is a new state law that complaints are no longer allowed to be anonymous. Maybe you can call the police hq to find out who it was?
52:20 said:
I have to call the city about every other week because they skip my street on trash day. One of the opening statements is that there is a new state law that complaints are no longer allowed to be anonymous. Maybe you can call the police hq to find out who it was?

Had no idea. Good, as it should be.

I don't actually care at this moment. If it in any way comes up again....more police, a letter, whatever, they I would. As of now I'll consider it over and make sure any bodies are well buried or I dumb them elsewhere :lol:
Coon #6 is in the trap. Young one. Super cute actually. A very light gray instead of that ugly dark. Makes his bandit mask stand out even more, as well as the tail. Would be a nice pelt if I had the time :lol:
Gonna have to go Juggs this weekend. Have a feral tom cat, that has decided to start coming in through the cat/dog door, and eat our cat's food. He also appears to be trying to attack her (she's fixed).

Trap was delivered today. Cat food is ready to deploy. 22 rifle has subsonic ammo loaded.
And like Ti said, good night, it’s over with, that’s all she wrote. Put the trap out at 11:05, checked at 12:30, dispatched at 12:40.

Reckon amazon will let me return the trap? :lol: