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🤬Bitch Catch all/random thread

I'd meet anyone in public, but I'm not letting a guy looking like that into my house to look around. No. Fucking. Way.

On that note, I gave away my older chickens this weekend. Need to do it at night to catch them roosting. Super nice old country black dude, 60-65.....I must have BSed with him for 30 minutes. One of the funniest things I've seen is how he handled those chickens. He just grabbed one at a time and shoved each on in his hand. He was carrying 5 chickens upside down by their legs with one hand while the chickens screamed bloody murder. My kid could hear it inside and thought we were killing them. The scream was absurdly loud, but watching him do it and carry around this huge cluster of chickens with one hand had rolling.
I came across some parents (or lack thereof) that I want to smack the shit out of.

I was on FB yesterday and somehow a friend of a friend's kid came up on my FB. Something seemed off, was that a sexy pose bikini pic? It was small, I'm on my phone (no, I don't know this kid or that she even existed), so I click. The pics were from a few months ago. A skimpy bikini with her lounging on the steps of a pool. One of those ghetto poses with her bending over and sticking her ass out, but thrust her head up like she's trying to tie her shoe while looking at the sky. A couple other poses. She's a stick with zero development, she's 14 years old. You'd have thought she was 20s on an OF page only she looked like a tall 8 year old.

What kind of fucking parent lets their kids take pictures like that, let alone put them on a public FB page? I don't know anything about the parents, but holy shit....Mom must be a liberal whore and dad a cuck or dead. They both need an ass beating and a lesson in parenting.
yeah, and the parents will be confused as to why it happened
I wanted to share one of the pics with the face cropped out, but even copying the link felt too pedo/kiddie pornish. It's sadly worse than I can describe. I'm so fucking thankful my 13 year old and her circle of friends still act like little girls use to when I was that age.
I’m at Flying Biscuit having breakfast, at the counter. A couple seats down is a black guy about my age. A bit ago, a 50ish black dude walks up to place a to go. Orders a few things and buys the meal for the black dude eating. Says he’s feeling generous today.

Every ounce of me wanted to fuck with him and say, “What, not even a coffee for the white guy in a Redneck National shirt?”
In Mobile AL for a trade show, holy shit, it’s snowing like a mofo here, has been for over 3 hrs, fkn Trump did it.