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🤬Bitch Bitch thread

Garages make me rage as well, people drive down the middle. I drive an F150 and I squeeze as close to the right as I can, yet these people in compact cars wont get out of the middle to move both cars through. Makes me want to play chicken with them.
Garages make me rage as well, people drive down the middle. I drive an F150 and I squeeze as close to the right as I can, yet these people in compact cars wont get out of the middle to move both cars through. Makes me want to play chicken with them.
Same. Also in an F150. My side had big trucks with hitches sticking already taking up part of my side. The worst is at the ends. I swear no one can turn those corners without taking up the area of both lanes. One bitch came hauling ass around the corner and she was cutting right through the corner, didn't even try to "turn". I take as wide and as a tight of a turn as I can.

They are shit designs though. Have to cram as many cars in as possible, so parking spots are too short and narrow. The drive aisle is only 20 or 22 feet instead of the standard 24. I always go straight to the very top or the first empty level I come across and reverse in. Last time I didn't, I had 2 large vehicles on either side of me and I didn't reverse in. It took a 10 point turn to get out of there they were so fucking close to me. Without the backup cam, it would have taken a 20 point turn that time. Never again.
I'm about to snap. I asked a specific question to a coworker that's holding me up. No answer. I made an additional comment later and he answers. I reply immediately about my primary question....and now 30 minutes later still no reply. Answer the god damn question so I can proceed :eg:

Kid gets dropped off this morning, wearing flipflops as usual. She just got back from out of town last night, so all the shoes are at her moms house. She has no fucking key to her house and she can't wear flipflops to school. No one with a key to that house is answering their fucking phones.

This type of stupid shit happens so often, I swear I'm going to buy those dumb cunts an electronic lock for the door. The kid has missed so much school already being sick, now she's going to miss school (and distract me from working) because they can't remember a key or a fucking pair of shoes.

And I'm out of fucking cigars. I tried quitting in a poor method, now I have no way of getting cigars without paying those stupid ass insanely high prices for mediocre sticks because fuck meditation, fuck exercise, and fuck all the other bullshit that doesn't work to make me not want to go postal. I should have left that possum in the trap and fed it, waiting for a day like how this one is starting out to kill it.
Fucked up business practice that I'll avoid. I'm developing a site for a Toyota dealership. In the claims that they're doing this for the customer so they don't have to walk in the heat, you are not allowed to browse the vehicles at your leisure. You have to go to the office, tell them what you want, and then they go pick a vehicle for you and drive it into the show room to you.

Like salesman weren't already manipulating, pressuring, annoying cunts to begin with. Now you can't even be left alone to browse the lot? Fuck. that. Luckily it's Toyota and I'd never buy one, but if others start following that model.....
Fuck the architect or whoever drew the building for this dealership. Walls aren't at 90 degree angles, irregular dimensions (who the fuck is going to build a 57'-2 3/16" wall?"....All kinds of issues. Architects are the worst.
And right as I'm annoyed with this architect, a landscape architect emails me asking questions worded in a stupid way. He asks, "Can you please clarify this sidewalk through the building?"

I responded, "Can you clarify 'through the building', as we don't have any sidewalks going through any buildings. We have a sidewalk adjacent to a building"
neighbor's house addition is taking forever. It's garbage day. A large truck and enclosed trailer from an insulation company is blocking my recycling and garbage bins. Had the kid with me, but he already got a stare down. Now I can't find him, but he's on a very short time table before he's told to move the fucking truck or, if I don't get a pickup because he's blocking 40' of curb and my bins, I'm throwing all that shit in the back of his truck.
Really love when you tell someone (HR lady) your personal business, ask them not to tell anyone else, and they proceed to let everyone in the company know.

She'll be getting bare minimum info from now on.
My coworker has been dealing with back issues and having trouble sitting at the desk. Good dude, but it's killing my work schedule. I can only work 2 days the rest of this year or lose vacation time from limited roll over. Those 2 days have to be dedicated to a specific project, but he's holding it up. I want this shit out of the way so I can enjoy vacation and 4 days later, not much progress.

And my vacation, supposed to head to Tennessee the morning after Christmas may get killed. Hopefully the forecast changes, but this far out, it's all rain (could turn into snow). I'm not driving 10-11 hours just to be stuck in the cabin for a fucking week. So I want to wait until this weekend to make that call. The ex doesn't want me to wait and see so if I don't go, she can take the kid on her already planned trip and needs to buy a ticket. Which is my weekend anyway, so she can't just do it, but I'm the bad guy if I say no since my ex only seems to plan trips on my weekends. Even more baffling is, she's married now and still lives 4 hours away from her husband. Why the fuck does she want to take a kid along on one of the rare getaways from his shit town in Georgia? Go and enjoy time alone with each other FFS, not give me shit and try to fuck up my time with the kid.

My parents were supposed to be here today, but high winds, heavy rain and some ice kept them from making the trip (hauling a very loaded down 16' enclosed trailer....not fun to haul in those conditions). Mom doesn't want to travel close to when holiday traffic picks up, so it looks like that got postponed.

Fuck I wish my boss cashed out vacation time so I could just work. I'm just going to end up sitting around smoking cigars.
Fucking clients.

About to submit a project. Narrow lot. We went through all the parameters early on and told him what worked, what didn't. He said ok. The building has to be a very specific size or none of it works. A year later, through permitting and governmnet reviews, we're good to go.

Just now, at the very end, the client finally sends us the official floorplan for the building. It's exactly what we told him DIDN'T WORK in the very beginning. He's been looking at our plans with a specific building for a fucking year and then this? Fuck fuck fuck
I answer the phone... hear a deep sigh, then "I can't open pdfs in my email". I connect to the computer, immediately notice the Adobe icon flashing like a firetruck's lights.

She's tried to open all 20 pdf attachments at one time (some large) and apparently Adobe said nope. Right click on the Adobe icon, click close window... watch the problem go away.

She's been here 25 years and still doesn't know shit about what the flashing icons mean.

I fucking hate this place. Especially January-February.
Schools rezoned their bus routes and no longer provide bus service to anyone under 2 miles from school. 2 miles is pretty fucked up considering most people are at work when the bus picks up and drops off. 2 miles in Gainesville, how many major roads are you asking a 11-13 year olds to cross by themselves? I'm at 2.2 miles, so I still get bus service.....But they moved it half a mile down and across 39th.

None of us are having 12 years cross 39th. 4 lanes of rush hour traffic going 60mph and the only crosswalk is half a mile in the opposite direction.

This city is so fucking retarded.
Schools rezoned their bus routes and no longer provide bus service to anyone under 2 miles from school. 2 miles is pretty fucked up considering most people are at work when the bus picks up and drops off. 2 miles in Gainesville, how many major roads are you asking a 11-13 year olds to cross by themselves? I'm at 2.2 miles, so I still get bus service.....But they moved it half a mile down and across 39th.

None of us are having 12 years cross 39th. 4 lanes of rush hour traffic going 60mph and the only crosswalk is half a mile in the opposite direction.

This city is so fucking retarded.
They have to cut services to fund more DEI positions