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🤬Bitch Bitch thread

Ya know, there's this stereotype I see all the time online about how men sleep too much. Women complaining about their husband/boyfriend sleeping too late on the weekend and them getting bored. I think this is rage bait bullshit made up for the internet.

I've never known a guy who just sleeps in on the weekend. I'm still up at 5:30 on the weekend, my dad has always been up early. Contrarily, every woman I've ever dated didn't get out of bed until 11 on the weekend unless we had plans. My mom gets out of bed around 8:30, which is pretty late for a senior citizen.
I’ve been waking up @ 5am for as long as i can remember, doesn’t matter what time i fall asleep. I wish it was different, I’d love to sleep in to 7am, get 8-9 hours of sleep, but never ever happens.
Yep. Go to sleep at 9pm or 12am, I'm still waking up about around the same time. That can vary from 4:30 to 6, usually 6 once a week after the rest of the week catches up to me. And I start waking up at 2-2:30 usually.
I'm an early riser but the wife and kids are not. They're night owls, which sometimes keeps me up at night, too. Which of course means that I'm tired all day so of course I like to take naps when I can.
My kid too. On the weekend, she stays up late and sleeps until 11 on the average weekend. Is it some anthropological DNA thing...women engrained to be up late at night from nursing? millennia of normal gender roles....
Been waking up at 5 for a few months and try to sleep till 6. 6 has been automatic for as long as I can remember. Hoping I can get back to sleeping till 6. I have to be sick to be able to sleep late.