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😢Whine As Juggs' World turns

For some reason I keep getting messaged by chicks from Jacksonville. Look, I know Jax sucks.....but it's not wrong that I automatically question a woman who messages a dude in Gainesville when her options are no doubt 50x greater in Jax....right?
For some reason I keep getting messaged by chicks from Jacksonville. Look, I know Jax sucks.....but it's not wrong that I automatically question a woman who messages a dude in Gainesville when her options are no doubt 50x greater in Jax....right?
Jax is awesome, and no clue, that is weird.
For some reason I keep getting messaged by chicks from Jacksonville. Look, I know Jax sucks.....but it's not wrong that I automatically question a woman who messages a dude in Gainesville when her options are no doubt 50x greater in Jax....right?
Maybe you're just too irresistible.
Maybe you're just too irresistible.
No there's definitely somethign wrong with them :lol:

I already put an end to this one. Cute Fillipina gal....with 3 kids. 3 young kids at home, nope. Aside from being near impossible to make time to date when both people have kids, doing so at a distance is near impossible, and the real big issue? I have no fucking desire, patience, or energy to deal with 3 of someone else's kids.

Kids living at home - 1 kid, of course. 2 kids, ok...hopefully they're my kid's age, give or take (or older), but not a deal breaker. 3? She better have a fuck ton to offer, probably still no. 4? God no.

Side note to rant about - Very few women seem to know how conversation works. Most women whine about "knowing how to hold a conversation", but talking to most of these women is worse than pulling teeth. Everything they type is 5 words or less. In this case, when I told her good luck, but I need someone who communities like an adult. She kept trying to justify it. Ask me anything you want! She volunteered some info, like the 3 kids. I'm the only person she's talking. Blah blah.

So I was feeling generous and told her the problem. You see, to carry on a conversation, one person has to offer something in return. If someone asks a question, you don't give a 4 word answer. You throw in a couple relevant sentences to give that person something to work with. You're not playing 20 questions and using as few words as possible like it's an interview, everyone hates that. If you can't expound and bounce it back to me, the only options are that 1) You're retarded. 2) Toddler level conversational skills. 3) Indicative that you'll never put in any effort. 4) You talk to too many people at once, where one guy kids the conversation and the others get strung along in case your 1st choice doesn't work out. Those are the only 4 options for a 40something "adult".

Ok, I didn't write those options to her :lol:
Why does it seem like women my age and younger stopped learning how to cook?

I'm talking to a Jap woman (a couple years older than me, but looks 40), came to the states for college, so she's been here over half her life. Still very traditional Jappo.....but she admits she's "domestically challenged", meaning she could burn water.

In the last 3 years, only one woman was a good cook....and she was fucking fantastic (the blonde cuban). Every other one never learned to cook. Why are all these mom's failing their daughters? It's not a big deal since I can cook and I don't mind doing it (and usually enjoy cooking for someone), but the principal is still the same. Especially since all but one of these women were mom's also, so they're not teaching their kids either.

Everyone should know how to be at least serviceable at cooking.