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⚡ACHTUNG!⚡ 2022 Cone of Uncertainty Thread

Panamag8or said:
DocZaius said:
Juggs said:
I have a chimney and never use it. It takes forever. Half the time even using lighter fluid, the chimney did a shit job with the coals. Newspaper burns out too damn quick unless you buy matchlight charcoal, which I don't.

I do however have one of those large yard torches attached to a 20 lb propane tank. Worst case, that's how it's getting started.

Luckily my tubs hold water no problem. I accidentally left one of them full for several days not long ago. My shit ass iMac was running like shit and I have no idea where the hard drive with all my personal info is in those things since it just looks like a monitor. Instead of looking it up, I just filled a tub with water and put the iMac in the tub of water for a day and fried that whole fucking thing :lol: Then I forgot about the tub since I never go in that bathroom and the kid wasn't here. 4 or 5 days later, full tub still.

You know you can't solve all your problems by drowning them. Raccoons, possums, computers.... what next?

We never did hear what happened with that weird porch kid.
Oh yeah. A rather cute gal in a mid size SUV came to pick him up where they proceeded to struggle to put a scooter into the back. He had to borrow tools, which he knew nothing about. Not even the name of the type of wrench he needed, to take off mirrors and shit. I watched them for 20 more minutes while they stood in the rain probably fucking yo this poor girls ride :lol:
Oh and I'm going to throat punch the next cunt who tries to give me advice on preparing for a hurricane. 4 people. 3 of them moved here from non-hurricane zones and know full well I'm a local. The other was 10 years younger than me, which means they can remember probably just 1 single hurricane that has come through here which was still 4 or 5 years ago.

Technically 5 people, but my mom gets a pass because she's my mom even though she reminds me to do certain things like I've never done this before. Not to mention, while yes, I will fill a tub with water just in case....I'm on city water and the odds of that going down is extremely low. Only once in my life have I ever heard of that happening for more than a half a day. My grandma lost power/water for a week on the 3rd 2004 hurricane...and she lived 1 mile straight up 22nd from UF.
Juggs said:
Tommy said:
45 degrees this am, no danger of a f’n hurricane, f I love the mtns.
Oh fuck you too. I got a text a couple days ago from my mom that just said, "42 degrees right now". I just replied, "braggart".

It was 49, when I left for work. It was glorious.


jesus that's terrifying