I don’t understand Trumps Jan 6 thing, if there is a thing. Were the pardons necessary? Is he going after fbi agents that investigated, or is that grandstanding by dickweeds in the fbi? Asking, as I really don’t know what up
Yeah, they were necessary. As egs said, most were just walking the halls, being escorted by cops, having doors open for them. Some people were arrested who weren't even there. Many of these people were put in solitary for extended periods of time, weren't fed properly, and so on. Even when Trump issued the pardon, some people were refused because the prison said, "the pardon didn't mention you specifically by name, so that's not enough to let you go".
But first and foremost/worst of all, most of them were still being held without charged or trial. Over 4 years without charges or a trial is illegal. Meanwhile, pedophiles, rapists, killers, etc. service less time than that (if any) in Democrat cities.
There is absolutely nothing about this that was on the up and up, especially when so much lying has been done over this. AOC claiming she was IN the capital bldg, Pelosi's daughter basically admitting Pelosi did this intentionally (not having more security like Trump requested), the footage of guys at the front lines of the protest starting the charge to go into the building and then turn around and the group of men all go back to a van to change and leave? Clean cut men who stood out from the crowd. The list is long. Every one of those 1/6ers should sue the shit out of the government for wrongful imprisonment and being denied due process.