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🤬Bitch Catch all/random thread

Trying to recall if I’ve argued with the guy likely to be head of air at Epa 🤔

He def heard me postulate over dumping the pm2.5 standards so perhaps I gave him food for thought
I sold a big bird cage yesterday. The woman who came to pick it up, a quite attractive 50 year old (married and no, I wasn't going to hit on her). The whole encounter was weird. We chatted, she was real friendly. She made some comment that led to a little political talk. She's not just Conservative, she's a religious person who heard God's will that she wasn't living as well as she could be......And here we go, she asked me if I believe in Jesus.

Hooo boy was I not prepared for this. She went off about casting off demons and God performs miracle every day. She said she'll prove it. She asks me if I have any pain. My injuries? I live in pain. She asks where, told her my lower back hurt (I was just slinging a sledge hammer for a while at that concrete slab). She said she'll heal me, watch! Can she pray for me? I humor her, she was so sweet. I said sure. This prayer, no lie, lasted over 5 minutes of her talking 90 to nothing. Then she looks up and says, "How's your pain now? It's gone isn't it?". I said, "Nope, same as before".

her: Well you're blocked off from the Holy Spirit then because God heals on the spot when asked (she notes, among addicts, criminals, etc. that she's seen gay men do a 180 and become straight after accepting Jesus). Are you holding any anger, resentment, or not forgiving anyone?

me: I guess you could say that, sure.

her: Well that's the problem, you can't be healed if you haven't forgiven everyone or hold any resentment. The Devil has legal rights to you until you let it all go. Tell me about it.

me: I let that "God heals on the spot" nonsense go and since she was ranting about liberals and their sins, I threw this at her...."I'll give you an example. You were ranting about abortion, child mutilation, and such. You forgive and pray for them. I was rooting for civil war so we could kill them all and be home by next Christmas. Why try to save these lunatics when you can eradicate them?". I did say that with a smile and she kinda chuckled.

This conversation went on for a full 2 hours on my front porch before she finally bought the damn bird cage and I loaded it for her. Selling online, some people are afraid of criminals coming to your house.....I get the re-born zealot. I swear I'm a magnet for these women.
I sold a big bird cage yesterday. The woman who came to pick it up, a quite attractive 50 year old (married and no, I wasn't going to hit on her). The whole encounter was weird. We chatted, she was real friendly. She made some comment that led to a little political talk. She's not just Conservative, she's a religious person who heard God's will that she wasn't living as well as she could be......And here we go, she asked me if I believe in Jesus.

Hooo boy was I not prepared for this. She went off about casting off demons and God performs miracle every day. She said she'll prove it. She asks me if I have any pain. My injuries? I live in pain. She asks where, told her my lower back hurt (I was just slinging a sledge hammer for a while at that concrete slab). She said she'll heal me, watch! Can she pray for me? I humor her, she was so sweet. I said sure. This prayer, no lie, lasted over 5 minutes of her talking 90 to nothing. Then she looks up and says, "How's your pain now? It's gone isn't it?". I said, "Nope, same as before".

her: Well you're blocked off from the Holy Spirit then because God heals on the spot when asked (she notes, among addicts, criminals, etc. that she's seen gay men do a 180 and become straight after accepting Jesus). Are you holding any anger, resentment, or not forgiving anyone?

me: I guess you could say that, sure.

her: Well that's the problem, you can't be healed if you haven't forgiven everyone or hold any resentment. The Devil has legal rights to you until you let it all go. Tell me about it.

me: I let that "God heals on the spot" nonsense go and since she was ranting about liberals and their sins, I threw this at her...."I'll give you an example. You were ranting about abortion, child mutilation, and such. You forgive and pray for them. I was rooting for civil war so we could kill them all and be home by next Christmas. Why try to save these lunatics when you can eradicate them?". I did say that with a smile and she kinda chuckled.

This conversation went on for a full 2 hours on my front porch before she finally bought the damn bird cage and I loaded it for her. Selling online, some people are afraid of criminals coming to your house.....I get the re-born zealot. I swear I'm a magnet for these women.

Man, when I was in junior high I had a back problem and wore a back brace exactly like Joan Cusack's character in Sixteen Candles. Came up to my chin and everything:

So I'm walking home from school one day and some random guy, white, mid-20s, dressed okay, stopped me. Since I had this brace on, he assumed something was really wrong with me (it wasn't, I just needed to get part of my back realigned) and asked if he could pray for me. Not knowing what else to do (I was 12), I said "Ok." And this fucker put his hands on my shoulders and started speaking in tongues like he was in the Exorcist or something. I let him finish and told him I had to go home and walked as fast as I could. Thankfully, he didn't try to follow me or something, but it skeeved me out.

No miracles were performed that day. I kept wearing the brace for probably another year. My back is fine, but I don't think divine intervention had anything to do with it.
hahahaha. The speaking in tongues, whackos. But with the really religious, I find 2 distinctly different types of religious zealots. Usually the worst are born agains/renewed, but they're the ones who literally think their prayer will heal you from anything. That God actually performs miracles every second of every day, literally. Yeah, tell that to all the kids dying of cancer or....insert any one of the millions of atrocities in the world.

Then the other is more rational. God gives them to strength to handle adversity, find peace in tough situations, and occasionally God performs real miracles.

The miracle thing is still stupid to me. I told her I think God just made his sandbox, threw in his toys, and kicked back to watch. I've never seen anything that would make me jump to "hand of God".
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I was really REALLY hoping that Juggs's back pain went away and he saw the light...
The look on her face when asking if my pain went away was so excited and then it just faded away. I knew there was a reason coming....In my head, I was conflicted between being envious of her, trying not to laugh, and very much trying not to troll the shit out of her because she hadn't paid me yet. :lol:
hahahaha. The speaking in tongues, whackos. But with the really religious, I find 2 distinctly different types of religious zealots. Usually the worst are born agains/renewed, but they're the ones who literally think their prayer will heal you from anything. That God actually performs miracles every second of every day, literally. Yeah, tell that to all the kids dying of cancer or....insert any one of the millions of atrocities in the world.

Then the other is more rational. God gives them to strength to handle adversity, find peace in tough situations, and occasionally God performs real miracles.

The miracle thing is still stupid to me. I told her I think God just made his sandbox, threw in his toys, and kicked back to watch. I've never seen anything that would make me jump to "hand of God".
Pretty much. When she rambled for 5 minutes without taking a breath about how great, all powerful, and loving God is, I asked why he didn't just snap his fingers and poof away the Devil and sin. It hasn't even been 24 hours and I've forgotten her answer (I zoned out a few times)....but I recall being less than impressed with her answer.

Hey Cus, where you at man? I need the quasi-resident...errr, former TGB resident Jesus freak to answer that for me. Cus has more rational answers to such questions.
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I'm trying to sell one of those fancy adjustable beds. It's been sitting in a guest room mostly unused. It was used for a year or two by a relative before Hospice, so no one died in it. I fully expected someone to ask if anyone died in it. Finally, someone who was interested did ask. I stupidly told the truth to this whacko.

I looked at her FB page and it was filled with crystal energy healing, touch a the right spot on a person's chest and all their sadness goes away, all that hippie dippie shit. Anyway, the bed is 6 years old. The woman said, "Nevermind, the bed still has her energy in it".

Good. Fucking. God. Whackos. No, before I had a chance to answer, she randomly said her husband was in the hospital,, but not dying, and coming home shortly. I was so torn. Every bit of me wanted to either laugh at her or say, "So...energy, crystals, magic touch healing......Didn't work out so good for your husband if he's in the hospital, huh?".
One of my friends and her boyfriend here are looking for a place to live and seem to have wildly unrealistic wants like a homestead in downtown dc but a safe neighborhood etc. She owns a nice place in suburbia and he inherited a townhouse in a great location that can rent for 9000. I'm like why don't you both move in there but his dad and stepmom died there and apparently that's a no go. Like any house over 20 years old people likely died in! then I realized that my husband and I slept in my mom's bed that she died in by a few days (changed the sheets obviously) and at his parents house the bed his dad suicided himself in (OD, later died in hospital). I mean I was like "oh" when I thought about it but I got past it. Are people that wound up in stuff?

I should also add this friend is one I regularly go antiquing and to estate sales with with and she must own a ton of stuff with death energy. Make it make sense.
Trying to sell one of those adjustable, vibrating beds that belonged to a family member online. I get a message that says, "Yo when can I come by".

I want to reply, "You can't, not letting you into my house"
