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The lady I'm seeing says I can't just call people retards. I say it sure feels like I can. She says I can, but I shouldn't. I say the problem is wokeness (she's very conservative and anti-woke, but a religious person), because retard has always been used by it's true definition is foolish or stupid. She argues words can evolve.

Yeah, they evolve because of sensitive pussies. It's not even an evolution of a word, it's a bastardization.

I'm an alcoholic. I don't ask to be called "a person who can't imbibe" or "allergic to alcohol", etc.
Irish Mike said:
I haven't used it towards a person since I was a little kid, but I still find myself calling things retarded.

I use it primarily towards objects/events, but hell, I call myself retarded all the time when I catch myself doing something stupid :lol:
But... but... CRT isn't being taught in public schools!


At the 1:53 mark in the almost three hour meeting, after the end of the public comment period, Dr. Vitti takes the mic to discuss agenda items, including Michigan House Bill 5097, which would ban certain aspects of CRT from public instruction. Vitti said:

Our curriculum is deeply using critical race theory, especially in social studies, but you’ll find it in English Language Arts and the other disciplines. We’re very intentional about creating a curriculum, infusing materials, and embedding critical race theory within our curriculum.

Then when caught they deflect with, “so we can’t talk about slavery?”

This school district has less than 20% proficiency in English and math.

It really feels like crt is an excuse to cover for how unaccountably shitty city public schools are
BLM calling for a boycott of all white owned stores from Black Friday to New years. Also calls for everybody to take their money out of white owned banks and deposit them in black owned banks. The white owned stores and banks use "policing to protect profits and steal Black Life"
I can’t disagree with your lady Juggs, I started using rere, and marching in the rere parade, but I’m trying hard not to do that. Never know who has a family member with Downs or other mental disabilities, and arguing they shouldn’t be offended isn’t an argument. I hear you, and have been guilty of it a million times, but trying to be better.
I say it all the time but I need to stop...I would never make fun of someone with a mental disability but I say stuff is r-worded all the time...it's my go-to when I don't agree with something...
52:20 said:
BLM calling for a boycott of all white owned stores from Black Friday to New years. Also calls for everybody to take their money out of white owned banks and deposit them in black owned banks. The white owned stores and banks use "policing to protect profits and steal Black Life"
These folks are dumb as F
They are very close to nuking the whole "men shouldn't be telling women what to to with their bodies" argument. If both man and women give birth, it is fair game for all to make decisions about it.
Irish Mike said:
They are very close to nuking the whole "men shouldn't be telling women what to to with their bodies" argument. If both man and women give birth, it is fair game for all to make decisions about it.

The pro choice arguments could be made for vaccine mandates also
Some good race stuff in my feed


Evil gator said:
Some good race stuff in my feed



That's what's sorely missing from the whole critical race theory argument. I mean, yeah, we can acknowledge the racist practices of the past, but there doesn't seem to be any recognition that things have gotten so much better. CRT proponents will insist that the progress isn't really progress and doesn't matter, blacks will never get ahead because the system is still racist.

Case in point: damn white people and their... shuffles deck, rolls dice, spins wheel... farmer's markets that give urban neighborhoods access to fresh produce!
DocZaius said:
Evil gator said:
Some good race stuff in my feed



That's what's sorely missing from the whole critical race theory argument. I mean, yeah, we can acknowledge the racist practices of the past, but there doesn't seem to be any recognition that things have gotten so much better. CRT proponents will insist that the progress isn't really progress and doesn't matter, blacks will never get ahead because the system is still racist.

Case in point: damn white people and their... shuffles deck, rolls dice, spins wheel... farmer's markets that give urban neighborhoods access to fresh produce!

They argue that food charity creates "narratives" that minority communities "can’t take care of themselves" and need help. Particularly, the "mobile produce market" is "white-led" and takes advantage of "majority BIPOC neighborhoods," creating greater dependence on "white-led institutions."

The research and lecture are not new: Conrad discussed the approach and framework on a podcast in Oct. 2020 called "8 Ways White Bias Can Misdirect Food System Work."

"Even if you're not intentionally acting from a white supremacist standpoint, the system is white supremacy, and you have to learn how that whiteness impacts the work that you're doing," Conrad said. "There's a lot of these sort of nuances that I think we tend to ignore. And a lot of these things have to do with white supremacy and structural racism that's built into the system."

That's it then. White people can no longer sell food to black people.
That's the funniest article I've read in awhile. Now our charity is racist, what is deemed "good food" is racist. White people need to shut the fuck up about what is and isn't racist.
52:20 said:
That's the funniest article I've read in awhile. Now our charity is racist, what is deemed "good food" is racist. White people need to shut the fuck up about what is and isn't racist.


Don't help black people, you're racist. Help black people, you're racist.

Basically, if you're white, you're racist. Period.
That’s exactly right. This lady who was adopted is telling white people not to adopt black kids because it’s abuse

We need to make a list.

No more selling farm fresh food to blacks, they can have taco bell. Also, let black kids rot in CPS or foster homes to be neglected or abused.

I feel like a better, less racist person already.