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Politics Woke links

Justifying your job when = harassment and threatening

The backlash to this simple request is insane. I work for a government agency and I have to give a summary of my accomplishments to our governing body every month. It's not hard. I put in so many hours, I worked on these cases, settled those cases, won a motion here, lost a motion there, etc. etc.
The backlash to this simple request is insane. I work for a government agency and I have to give a summary of my accomplishments to our governing body every month. It's not hard. I put in so many hours, I worked on these cases, settled those cases, won a motion here, lost a motion there, etc. etc.
They'd die in the private sector. At my last company....21 years of accounting for my time in 15 minute increments.
I have a 5 minute meeting with my boss every day to let him know what we got done the previous day and what my team is working on today and to touch base with our off-site contractors to see what they're status is.

EVERY DAY. :lol:
When you're productive and getting shit done on a schedule, you barely need a meeting. I have some kind of submittal every week on one of the projects. If I wasn't productive, the submittals wouldn't go out. There should be physical evidence of your work. If there's not, with or without status updates, you're probably a waste of money.
Canadians are retarded. Watched a video of all those liquor stores throwing away large amounts of bourbon. One clip, at least a grand in Bullit. All because of the new tariffs.

Uhhhh, geniuses, you've already paid for the product you're throwing away. All you're doing now is pouring money down the drain instead of just being sane and stop future purchases :lol: