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Politics The war on Joe Rogan

I can't escape the stupid. Rogan podcast with whoever Ryan Holiday is and says after the civil war, all the racism was in the south and confederate soldiers went home and mass murderered black people in droves. Yeah because there was noooo racism in NY and around the north.

Next show, some black comedian. Says reversal of Roe vs Wade bans abortion. Says people leave the liberals to become Conservative because they're tired of losing. Republicans never turn on each other. Huh? We literally just had Republicans side with Dems on the gun bill. Everything this guy says is just wrong. Liberals would win everything if they had a trump.

At least Rogan said no, he thinks people are leaving the democratic party because they've gone so far left with the woke nonsense. Which the black guy blew off.
someone at the 4th party I was at brought up fear factor and people trying to fight Rogan when they got mad over shit they had to do and one of my friends was like Rogan is EVIL! Someone needs to poison him! I changed the subject because I didn't want to know what dumbass thing she believes because she's fun to go antiquing with.
Evil gator said:
someone at the 4th party I was at brought up fear factor and people trying to fight Rogan when they got mad over shit they had to do and one of my friends was like Rogan is EVIL! Someone needs to poison him! I changed the subject because I didn't want to know what dumbass thing she believes because she's fun to go antiquing with.

That’s the difference between you and a liberal, you can take a moment to consider whether to respond or not. Liberals cannot.
52:20 said:
Evil gator said:
someone at the 4th party I was at brought up fear factor and people trying to fight Rogan when they got mad over shit they had to do and one of my friends was like Rogan is EVIL! Someone needs to poison him! I changed the subject because I didn't want to know what dumbass thing she believes because she's fun to go antiquing with.

That’s the difference between you and a liberal, you can take a moment to consider whether to respond or not. Liberals cannot.

ha good point, she's like "you'd love my friend who is a gender studies professor" and I just think "pretty sure I wouldn't"
Ugh, Duncan Trussell is on. He has his moments, but he's uber liberal and woowoo hippy and way out there mentally.

In any case, of course Rogan and Duncan mentioned Roe vs Wade and don't have a fucking clue. "The removal of rights" and acting like rape and health issues is a high portion of abortion when it's only 2%.
"The Christian right is well organized, a unified front, a set of ideas that they want to put into law and they have all the money, they don't pay taxes, and they're going to keep going". Oh and they want a theocracy.

Not much of that is true.
Evil gator said:
though I do take issue with the 2% number - if I've just been raped on incested filling out a survey isnt top of my list. might be close to 5%
True, but these statistics (from what I read) weren't taken from a random survey. They were from planned parenthood documentation where you list a reason for the abortion. However a large % of abortions have "no reason given", so it's likely that the % is a little higher if the person doesn't want to admit rape to them.

Even so, it's still an insignificant fraction to pretend like they're the majority. I mean, the rate of abortions far, far exceed the rate of (reported) rapes.
Juggs said:
Evil gator said:
though I do take issue with the 2% number - if I've just been raped on incested filling out a survey isnt top of my list. might be close to 5%
True, but these statistics (from what I read) weren't taken from a random survey. They were from planned parenthood documentation where you list a reason for the abortion. However a large % of abortions have "no reason given", so it's likely that the % is a little higher if the person doesn't want to admit rape to them.

Even so, it's still an insignificant fraction to pretend like they're the majority. I mean, the rate of abortions far, far exceed the rate of (reported) rapes.

thats what I mean Juggs. If I've been raped by a family member and am having an abortion, listing a reason isn't top of my list of things to deal with.
Marc Andressen. Pretty good once it gets past the internet stuff and talking about religion and cults. How even liberals on twitter and their rabid defense of subjects they know nothing about is a religion.

He doesn't give a personal opinion on divisive issues, but he makes a great point on climate change being selective science with no comparison model by pointing out how altered and flawed COVID data was. Some people admit they got COVID all wrong, but no one will admit they might be wrong about climate change.
Juggs said:
Marc Andressen. Pretty good once it gets past the internet stuff and talking about religion and cults. How even liberals on twitter and their rabid defense of subjects they know nothing about is a religion.

He doesn't give a personal opinion on divisive issues, but he makes a great point on climate change being selective science with no comparison model by pointing out how altered and flawed COVID data was. Some people admit they got COVID all wrong, but no one will admit they might be wrong about climate change.
And the climate change modeling is arguably a much much bigger and more complex system.

And the conclusions drawn are even more of a stretch.

Earth is warming - may be related to levels of CO2, likely due to use of fossil fuels. Ok

The idea that drastically reducing the use of fossil fuels is needed to change the atmospheric carbon or that it’s even desirable is idiotic.
Francis Foster and Konstantine Kisin...a couple Brits with a podcast. One wrote a book, "An Immigrants love letter to the West"

Explaining Progressiveness and it's origin. It comes directly from Communist Soviet Union that pushes beliefs that eventually people say in public, but don't believe what they're saying. And it always ends 1 way - Lots of death when mere censorship doesn't work.

2 anecdotes they shared: A man was fired for posting a youtube clip from a Bill Connolly dvd on his social media and he was fired by the store for posting it, while they sold the very dvd he got the clip from.

Next, a comedian told a joke that offended someone. That person called the police. The police literally called the comedian and said they "need to check their thinking". Another similar event, the police "investigated" a joke that offended a person.

fucking hell meteor, just hit us now.

I may have to check out these guys' podcast, TRIGGERnometry (there has to be a gun podcast with the same name).
Rogan has on one of my favorite guests - Mike Baker, retired CIA.

Unfortunately nearly 2 hours in, they get onto Roe vs Wade and now Rogan is repeating misinformation. He's saying "a large amount" of people are now calling for a ban on birth control.

No, they really aren't. I've seen like one single instance where a politician said something that stupid. I've seen very little support on any platform for such an absurd idea. Very, very, very few people want birth control banned.

Despite the praise he's given, Rogan is prone to repeating shit he read once without any research at all.
And he just followed that up for bashing Trump for getting the stupid people in America all ramped up with rah rah AMERICAAAAA.

Yeah, it's ONLY Trump that gets the stupid people riled up :facepalm:
yeah birth control ban is a very fringe idea - I can't think of even the most loony R state leg passing such idiocy.

it is really stupid how much power the loony dem lib fringe has vs. the loony r fringe vs. what people imagine. MJG isn't the head of any committee, prominent Rs constantly criticize her, and a lot of what she says isn't even all that nuts, its just careless and unartful.

Compare that to the loony left that wants to open federal prisons with the worst murderers going free. so many of the squad fantasies have become mainstream dem lib talking points like transing children, porn in schools, taxpayers paying for bad student debt, destruction of the oil industry, etc etc etc. Who is the scarier party?
Exactly. I agree with Marjorie a lot, but she has zero tact. Maybe she's copying Trump. But the establishment and everyone with delicate sensitivities cry over how she's saying it before they even listen to what she says.

That whole scenario is baffling. How each loony fringe is viewed and accepted. And the fringe left is far, far larger than the fringe right. I don't think it's just perception because the right gets censored on social media. There simply aren't many people who want condoms and birth control banned compared to how many liberals think student debt should be forgiven.
Juggs said:
Exactly. I agree with Marjorie a lot, but she has zero tact. Maybe she's copying Trump. But the establishment and everyone with delicate sensitivities cry over how she's saying it before they even listen to what she says.

That whole scenario is baffling. How each loony fringe is viewed and accepted. And the fringe left is far, far larger than the fringe right. I don't think it's just perception because the right gets censored on social media. There simply aren't many people who want condoms and birth control banned compared to how many liberals think student debt should be forgiven.

She's from the construction industry, we have no tact. :lol:
Zuckerberg's voice is annoying.

Aside from admitting FBI made him violate the 1A....

His brilliance has told us that the future will see us as holograms in calls instead of telecommuting. Great, you just stole the communication used in Star Wars.