ufgators68 said:
Fuck the police.
While I agree that this was a bad stop and arrest, the tweeter's take may not reflect the law where it happened, as it could be very state-specific. You can resist without violence in a number of states and it could be as simple as refusing to show ID. Second, being armed in public could be a reason to stop someone - some states have concealed carry, some states have open carry, some states have both, and some states still have neither. And in any event, if they were truly responding to a report of an armed man, they may also have the right to briefly stop him and ask if the bulge in his pocket is a weapon (though once he showed them it was his collapsible walking cane, they should have said "have a nice day" and left him alone).
On a related note, it does not seem to be "tactically wise" to mouth off to the cops even if you're in the right.