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Politics Politics

a lot of locals are worried about the J6 pardons.

Dude, you're far more likely to be carjacked by an illegal. These people are from Georgia and Michigan and were mad about an election.
Shows how retarded and brain damaged they are. BLM riots and burns, they're perfectly safe. Literal peaceful protestors being wrongly imprisoned get released and go back to different states, they get scared.

Criminals = safe. Average Joe = Terrorist because he's not a liberal.
I love mtg. I don't agree with her on everything, I don't like that she'll act up on the floor sometimes, but she has one huge set of female nuts and has no fucks to give.

That stupid ass kid has nothing to say in response. Just keep on after J6, even after mtg just buries her with truth.
She is very much like small business contractor women I've known. Ready to throw down. Its not always effective for a member of congress, but hopefully shes learning because that was a masterclass. I'd like to see her develop into Sen Kennedy, and be a bit more subtle
Have you seen the video of Newsom interview with him smiling and bouncing around discussing when the government gets to come in and what sounded an awful lot like a land grab? Referring to the burnt shit, obviously
I would love to see Braun or some other anti dei right wing gov hire this guy.

I just interviewed a woman seeking a job at my org, wildly impressive resume, experience at a key federal agency. Oh and she’s black. This is how it’s supposed to work. She’s perfect for the job and we will likely hire her because of MERIT