They determined that free speech isn't absolute, just like the 2nd A isn't absolute. You can't own rocket launcher, just like you can't scream fire in a crowded theater. That's their argument.
So you can't have "free speech" that openly not only promotes, but calls for the genocide of an entire race of people.
Haven't fact checked this - Iran moves troops (tens of thousands) from Syria to Lebanon for the Israeli border with anti-air defenses. Algeria (WTF?) government says they can declare war on Israel. Again, WTF?
Kinda random, unless China is behind the scenes supporting these actions, China releases a propaganda video showing how quickly they can fully repair a bombed runway to be functional again. Essentially making the tactic of bombing runways to maintain air superiority rather pointless. Of course, that was 1 hole in a runway. If you put 50 holes in a runway, good luck doing that in an hour.