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🤔Ask TGB Food: whatcha eating?

RIP how is your wife doing? I hope she's getting better than fake pizza
Still can't eat normally. She was supposed to have an appt with a Mayo GI doc, but they canceled last minute. Her new date is the 31st. At the last appt they found exactly where the food is getting caught so they just need to stretch the area. I'm hoping like hell she gets fixed before September. We are taking a trip to the Keys for our 15th anniversary and renewing our vows.
Still can't eat normally. She was supposed to have an appt with a Mayo GI doc, but they canceled last minute. Her new date is the 31st. At the last appt they found exactly where the food is getting caught so they just need to stretch the area. I'm hoping like hell she gets fixed before September. We are taking a trip to the Keys for our 15th anniversary and renewing our vows.
Happy Future Anniversary! Wife an I will be 21 years on Sept 22nd.
Have been eating mostly Mediterranean - feel 1000x better, no brain fog,
Never find that filling enough. Fish/seafood just can't cut it for me. But how you feel when not eating processed junk and carbs is undeniable. I'm back to a mostly lean protein heavy, low carb diet. Well, not always low carb, I'm ok with beans and such on occasion, but still avoid the processed junk unless I eat out.

Except tomorrow. Tomorrow I'm going somewhere for a rich chocolate dessert. Tomorrow is 3 years.
Holy shit Juggs, that’s AWESOME!!

I don’t eat fish / seafood. I eat chicken & organic grass fed/finished beef, bison, & elk, but meat only 1x day. I eat a lot of avocados, olives, olive oil, beans, some eggs, and a lot of veggies / green leafy, and some whole grain sourdough bread, made here in AVL. Have to keep the bread in freezer, has no preservatives, but it’s f’n delicious.

Just cutting out processed shit, sugar, and aspartame made a huge difference. I know how to eat healthy, but knowing & doing are different things.
Holy shit Juggs, that’s AWESOME!!

I don’t eat fish / seafood. I eat chicken & organic grass fed/finished beef, bison, & elk, but meat only 1x day. I eat a lot of avocados, olives, olive oil, beans, some eggs, and a lot of veggies / green leafy, and some whole grain sourdough bread, made here in AVL. Have to keep the bread in freezer, has no preservatives, but it’s f’n delicious.

Just cutting out processed shit, sugar, and aspartame made a huge difference. I know how to eat healthy, but knowing & doing are different things.
I'd love to eat more organic grass fed red meat like that, but damn it's expensive. At publix yesterday, even the cheapest fatty ground beef was $7/lb......The organic grass fed is crazy. Especially Bison. I had to google it, I thought Mediterranean diet was heavy on seafood. Probably just a misconception because a lot of people do so thinking red meat = heart disease. I'm gonna have to bite the bullet now, having lost my free hunting grounds, and go through the tedious bullshit of hunting on state property.
Med “diet” is definitely more fish focused, as red meat is more inflammatory, so they say, though I contend organic grass fed/finished isn’t inflammatory, but that’s based on how my body reacts. Yes, it’s definitely more expensive, we just eat less. I offset no fish w a f ton of evoo, fish oil supps, and though not the same, avocado.
Med “diet” is definitely more fish focused, as red meat is more inflammatory, so they say, though I contend organic grass fed/finished isn’t inflammatory, but that’s based on how my body reacts. Yes, it’s definitely more expensive, we just eat less. I offset no fish w a f ton of evoo, fish oil supps, and though not the same, avocado.
Carnivore says the exact opposite :lol: Red meat is what we primarily ate for hundreds of thousands of years. Most people get rid of inflammation by eliminating carbs, including the fruits and veggies. I felt great when I was strictly carnivore. Body hurt less, no digestive issues, slept better, more energy....it was awesome. But the asswhip of eating nothing but meat sucked, harder to eat out, mundane redundancy....wasn't for me. More joint pain and particularly the arthritis symptoms came back when I started to add back in certain foods. I'm convinced this sudden "red meat is the devil" shit the last decade is a conspiracy that came from vegans, the people who want you to eat crickets or lab created meats, etc. Every single study that says red meat is bad for you doesn't differentiate between people who eat taco bell, mcdonalds, etc. and people who eat a steak, grass fed or not. Those same people who eat fast food also eat all kinds of other shit with that "red meat" that's horrendous for them. There are 1,000 other variables that they conveniently ignore when they do those "studies".

I only cook with EVOO and avacado oil. Seed oils are no thought to be worse than sugar for your body, haven't used those in years. Avocado I simply can't eat. I want to just for those healthy fats, but damn do I hate that them. I have some icelandic cod liver oil in the fridge I'll take or eat a good quality sardine for snacks. Love me some sardines.

But desserts are my kryptonite :lol:
Agree on red meat, but this mass produced shit is shit, pumped full of glyphosate, which ain’t good for you, how bad it actually is isn’t crystal clear. Like we’ve both said, cutting out processed crap does wonders for the noggin & body, and a high omega 3 diet also helps.
It’s sometimes what we call a gyro.

Seems like the same idea but with variations. We have plenty of Gyro shops in the US (but I can't think of any chains). Looking at their menu, it all says "your choice of Doner meat," but I can't find a description of their different meats. I guess that's like regular gyros, I have no idea what that meat is but there's only one kind.
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Maybe it was cooked on a skewer, but not served on it? :beatsme:
It's a giant lamb tower that rotates to heat up all sides. They shave the meat off into a pita bread with veggies and yogurt sauce. Add as much spice as you like and you're in heaven.