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đź“°News COVID thread

I have my annual physical today that my PCP requires and I still have to wear a mask. That's the last of my Drs where I have to.

Also re: COVID, Bill Gates finally admits the vaccine was all bullshit and masks don't work....BUT, he warns that we're really just preparing for the next virus that will be man made and much, much worse. Almost like he's in cahoots with Pfizer to create a more deadly mutation.
Juggs said:
Evil gator said:
What degrees does bill gates have in medicine?
Apparently being rich means your agenda laden opinions are to be considered fact.

yes there is also a lib screaming "source" if you say something logical like a shutdown harms the economy and most vulnerable, but they are fine being simps for the ultra wealthy who were smart enough to rip off a good idea
Pretty long, but a well-written, reasonable take on the vaccine mandates.

Good article. I can't help but think that all the trust people put into public health officials and supposedly non-political institutions like the CDC has been deeply eroded by all the lies and gaslighting.
DOE just came out and said they believe Covid was a lab leak. That's like 5-6 agencies now saying it. So every single thing that was said by the left and beaten into the population was wrong. Origin, masking, shutting down, keeping kids out of school, vaccines will keep you from getting it, vaccines will keep you from spreading it. Hopefully everybody remembers the shit they were put through next election cycle.
DOE basically confirms COVID lab leak and that China, Fauci, and the rest of hte US government lied.

Gearing up to blame it all on Trump for keeping Fauci on? An excuse to blame China in case we need to go to war over Taiwan?
Woody Harrelson on SNL gives monologue....and triggers woke mob and all of MSM

“The biggest drug cartels in the world get together and buy up all the media and all the politicians and force all the people in the world to stay locked in their homes, and people can only come out if they take the cartel’s drugs and keep taking them over and over,...I threw the script away. I mean, who is going to believe that crazy idea? Being forced to do drugs? I do that voluntarily all day long.”

Almost immediately afterwards, every liberal media and SJW hammers him for anti-vax conspiracy theories position that are selfish, lies, and offensive to those who lost anyone to COVID.

Just as I said above yesterday, the truth doesn't matter. Even when Pfizer flat out admits the vaccine is practically worthless to most people and Woody is right, it's still a conspiracy theory.

Asteroid. Nuke. Zombie apocalypse. Now.
Evil gator said:
Irish Mike said:
Guy I used to work with just died from covid. Fully vaxxed and all the boosters.

pre-existing conditions (old, fat, heart issues)?

Probably all 3. Early 60s. Used to be chubby, but lost weight after a stint in jail. Big drinker, former heavy drug abuser.

This is sort of where trump broke people - if you ever agree with him or his supporters or anyone not actively hating him, you’re evil and everything you say had to be wrong and racist
Watched a funny video of Fauci and company going door to door to pay people to get the vax. They're in a low income area, looks like a Chicago or NYC area. The black man lays into him about all the lies and how paying them to get the vax means something is wrong with all of this. He goes on and on until they just walk away :lol:

And on the biggest facepalm I've had in a while, yesterday driving home....Clearly an Antifa type walking down 39th. Huge guy, well over 6' and heavy. Had his tight jeans with combat boots, a denim vest full of patches sewn on....strutting like he's a bad ass. And he was wearing a mask.