Panamag8or said:
So, they shot it down over the ocean off of one of the Carolinas. Now they're retrieving what they can, to examine it.
The article I read....
China admits it's theirs. Claim it to be a meteorological and scientific balloon that went off course. Blames us for making it seem sinister. This is happening all over the world apparently. Military calls bullshit.
So we're cool with a spy balloon floating over their intended targets for the Chinese to get whatever information they're after. So even though it was flying over mountains and shit for days where it easily could have been shot down with most likely very minimal risk, we'll go ahead and let them get what they want. Do we actually think all the data was in the balloon and not transmitted to China already?
Although I don't know what they could get from a balloon that they can't get with a Satellite.