But that 9thORoberts is shitting the bed in the 8th.
I didn't think Sully had emotions, dude was tearing up with the bases loaded in the ninth. Glad they got the win, hopefully the bats start working Wednesday.What a weird fucking game. Go Gators.
Yeah, forced our ace closer out of the game with bases loaded. That freshman that came in should have poon lined up for him when he gets back to gainesville.Because he fucked up and visited the mound too many times and had to lift our ace.
That’s what Sully was saying to the refs when they were talking to him. No clue what the confusion was. He’s one of the best coaches out there, suppose he can fuck up too. Luckily it didn’t impact us.I thought the announcers said he asked the ump before he went out if he had another visit...
Pulling the Ol Randy Johnson on them. Make them too afraid to sit in the box.Weird ass first inning. We get 2 on a homer, then Caglianone walks 2, hits a batter, 3 passed balls,, on hit and three strike outs. Up 2-1.
Cag hits the first batter with the first pitch to start the bottom of the 2nd. Dude is wild today, but has only cost us a run so far. Think he has them scared, they don't know if the balls coming at their head or down the middle. 5 strike outs.