52:20 said:
Do non-coastal Floridians freak out over hurricanes? My wife is from Ocala, we live in Jax and anytime they talk about a hurricane she freaks out and wants to run or hoard. Fucker has no chance of effecting us other than rain. Drives me crazy, we go through this every time. Only way Jax gets directly hit is if it’s a really really fast moving one, otherwise the shape of the coast pushes it north and storm surge is the only concern.
I root for them to come here. In 2004 when the 3 in a row came through, I was outside during the it playing with my dogs.
I do see people freaking out and the panic buying started this weekend. I noticed all the water was gone, canned soups, etc. yesterday. It's completely stupid. By the time land weakens it and gets to midland...we get summer storms that are worse.
Some downed limbs, but the biggest issues if it it hangs around and saturates the ground to the point of uprooting trees. But that takes a while. I really don't get the fear. If you live rurally and have bad electric service, I get stocking up. In the city, meh. Growing up int he country, I fill a tub with water just in case of the rare event that water goes down (once in my life time in Gainesville)