Coleman Hughes....This guy is kind apainful to listen to. He claims to be moderate/independent (though he voted Hillary and Biden). So not being woke is now moderate? Dude isn't nearly as informed as he thinks he is. For example, his take on the immigration bill that got shot down.
Democrats had a bill that would have fixed immigration. The Republicans shot it down and their take was that the Democrats let it get that bad to begin with and the Democrats say the Pubs don't care about the border.
How fucking simplistic is that? We'll just ignore that the Bill didn't resolve immigration, it just legitimized illegal immigration to a tune of over 5k a day. And let's not forget that it was about sending billions to Ukraine, completely irrelevant from the border. A bill created by Dems intentionally to try and make the R's look like they don't care about the border when the bill was absolute lunacy. Why the fuck is a putz like this on Rogan?