The speech your kids deserve to hear from the President...
Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 1:26 pm
...but won't:
The whole thing is well worth a read...for you AND your kids, IMO. you were out playing in the back yards and playgrounds of America both Democrats and Republicans were making promises they could not keep. Instead of raising taxes right now for whatever they wanted to promise they instead decided to send you the bill, and your parents went along with it.
So when you come home from school this afternoon say "Thanks" to your Mom, Dad, Grandpa and Grandma for selling you into slavery.
For obligating you to pay for the stealing that has gone on for nearly ten years on Wall Street and in Washington DC.
For allowing those very same lies to cost your family (or that of someone you know and love) their house, their job, and their future.
The whole thing is well worth a read...for you AND your kids, IMO.