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Fear mongering: required skill to be President?

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 11:25 pm
by annarborgator
LMAO btw, just had a great epiphany...I love how slider's obvious bias came through loud and clear in his last post. Sorry man, but it's just funny because you responded by simply repeating BHO's position. "If no stimulus the economy dies"/

I'm just glad I realized that this convo is a waste of my time before I let my head explode. Thanks for being so obvious.

Fear mongering: required skill to be President?

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 8:21 am
by slideman67
slider, Says what crystal ball? You're telling me the only way to dig out of our over-leveraged, debt driven hole is to create further debt, this time unilaterally across the entire population of taxpayers (not even limiting it to Prime borrowers whose default rates are rising right now), pushing the public further into debt we simply cannot afford?

Because when you find yourself at the bottom of a hole, you dig deeper in the hope of reaching China? Or what? I mean, the paradoxical nature of all this can't be lost on you--I refuse to believe you are that myopic. I know you better than that. Why don't we just give up on money and do it ourselves without the goddamn governbanksters (government = banks, if you hadn't noticed)? It wouldn't be that hard if anyone gave two shits. But most folks in this country would rather win the game than the championship.

THAT's the death blow. If you want to know the truth.
Look man, do you think I like this shit? No, I don't. I think all these greedy bankers and Wall Street assholes who got us into this should be tarred and feathered. But one thing you don't seem to realize is that Wall Street and the economy are not driven by logic, but perceptions and emotions. They are the ultimate group of lemmings - if one jumps, they all do. And for better or worse, whether you agree with the idea of a stimulus or not, the perception is that if we don't get a stimulus, we are fucked. If nothing happens, the world economic system will nosedive - Europe and Asian markets will start, followed by the US. That is what will happen and you can bank on that.

Obama didn't create this mess, he inherited it. And many economists that are smarted than both of us are calling for this package.

And I really don't give a shit about your perception of my comments doesn't match with yours. I'm calling it like I see it based on my understanding of the economy and economic systems, and the things that I have read. If you choose not to, or choose to ignore it, then that is your business.

Fear mongering: required skill to be President?

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 10:18 am
by radbag
it's a spending bill...not a stimulus package.

initially trying to push through a bill that would give money to the motion picture industry to the tune of 246MM? to the smithsonian for 150MM? to the filipino war vets?

gimme a break.

Fear mongering: required skill to be President?

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 11:45 am
by DocZaius
But one thing you don't seem to realize is that Wall Street and the economy are not driven by logic, but perceptions and emotions. They are the ultimate group of lemmings - if one jumps, they all do. And for better or worse, whether you agree with the idea of a stimulus or not, the perception is that if we don't get a stimulus, we are fucked. If nothing happens, the world economic system will nosedive - Europe and Asian markets will start, followed by the US. That is what will happen and you can bank on that.
If perception is the key, then it doesn't really matter what is in the "stimulus" bill, right? I mean, as long as it's perceived that we're doing "something." That would explain a lot.

Fear mongering: required skill to be President?

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 12:58 pm
by TheTodd
And many KEYNESIAN economists that are smarter than both of us are calling for this package.

Fear mongering: required skill to be President?

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 5:38 pm
by slideman67
But one thing you don't seem to realize is that Wall Street and the economy are not driven by logic, but perceptions and emotions. They are the ultimate group of lemmings - if one jumps, they all do. And for better or worse, whether you agree with the idea of a stimulus or not, the perception is that if we don't get a stimulus, we are fucked. If nothing happens, the world economic system will nosedive - Europe and Asian markets will start, followed by the US. That is what will happen and you can bank on that.
If perception is the key, then it doesn't really matter what is in the "stimulus" bill, right? I mean, as long as it's perceived that we're doing "something." That would explain a lot.
No, there does have to be some substance to it. The last eight years have proven that tax cuts alone can't solve everything, despite the fact that the idea is Republican Holy Grail.

Fear mongering: required skill to be President?

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 6:06 pm
by IHateUGAlyDawgs
^^^right...we have to stop SPENDING, too.

Fear mongering: required skill to be President?

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 8:23 pm
by radbag
slider, Says what crystal ball? You're telling me the only way to dig out of our over-leveraged, debt driven hole is to create further debt, this time unilaterally across the entire population of taxpayers (not even limiting it to Prime borrowers whose default rates are rising right now), pushing the public further into debt we simply cannot afford?

Because when you find yourself at the bottom of a hole, you dig deeper in the hope of reaching China? Or what? I mean, the paradoxical nature of all this can't be lost on you--I refuse to believe you are that myopic. I know you better than that. Why don't we just give up on money and do it ourselves without the goddamn governbanksters (government = banks, if you hadn't noticed)? It wouldn't be that hard if anyone gave two shits. But most folks in this country would rather win the game than the championship.

THAT's the death blow. If you want to know the truth.

-----------Obama didn't create this mess, he inherited it. And many economists that are smarted than both of us are calling for this package.
fwiw - many of the most respected economists, big fund managers, and most respected industry insiders that you are referring to are all talking their books as discount a lot of what the professionals are talking about and base it on their positions and strategic money decisions that they've decided months ago for their clients and their respective firms.

remember, they're all in the business of making money...i'd be talking about doomsday too if i was sitting on a lot of cash reserves...i'd be talking about doomsday if i've just been criticized for borrowing money and not loaning it...i'd be talking about doomsday if i'm long precious metals and commodities and short equities ( :cough: bill gross/pimco :cough: )

Fear mongering: required skill to be President?

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 8:26 pm
by radbag
But one thing you don't seem to realize is that Wall Street and the economy are not driven by logic, but perceptions and emotions. They are the ultimate group of lemmings - if one jumps, they all do. And for better or worse, whether you agree with the idea of a stimulus or not, the perception is that if we don't get a stimulus, we are fucked. If nothing happens, the world economic system will nosedive - Europe and Asian markets will start, followed by the US. That is what will happen and you can bank on that.
If perception is the key, then it doesn't really matter what is in the "stimulus" bill, right? I mean, as long as it's perceived that we're doing "something." That would explain a lot.
-------------- The last eight years have proven that tax cuts alone can't solve everything, despite the fact that the idea is Republican Holy Grail.
might we find ourselves in a worse situation than we find ourselves in today if we hadn't had those tax cuts in place?

Fear mongering: required skill to be President?

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 9:44 pm
by slideman67
But one thing you don't seem to realize is that Wall Street and the economy are not driven by logic, but perceptions and emotions. They are the ultimate group of lemmings - if one jumps, they all do. And for better or worse, whether you agree with the idea of a stimulus or not, the perception is that if we don't get a stimulus, we are fucked. If nothing happens, the world economic system will nosedive - Europe and Asian markets will start, followed by the US. That is what will happen and you can bank on that.
If perception is the key, then it doesn't really matter what is in the "stimulus" bill, right? I mean, as long as it's perceived that we're doing "something." That would explain a lot.
-------------- The last eight years have proven that tax cuts alone can't solve everything, despite the fact that the idea is Republican Holy Grail.
might we find ourselves in a worse situation than we find ourselves in today if we hadn't had those tax cuts in place?
Well let's see - Bush inherited a surplus and used the tax cuts to create a deficit. We financed the deficit and his war of convenience in Iraq by borrowing more from China, making us more dependent on them. So I would say no.

Fear mongering: required skill to be President?

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 10:56 pm
by annarborgator
the perception is that if we don't get a stimulus, we are fucked. If nothing happens, the world economic system will nosedive - Europe and Asian markets will start, followed by the US. That is what will happen and you can bank on that.

Obama didn't create this mess, he inherited it. And many economists that are smarted than both of us are calling for this package.
Pssst...we got your "stimulus" and we're still FACT, we're fucked worse with the stimulus than Obama and your expert economists predicted we'd be if we DIDN'T get the are those experts' opinions looking to you now?

Fear mongering: required skill to be President?

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 7:44 am
by IHateUGAlyDawgs
AA, isn't it obvious? We and everyone else simply misread just how bad of an economy they inherited.

Fear mongering: required skill to be President?

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 5:14 pm
by radbag
Pssst - that wasn't a stimulus package...that was a spending package

Rewarding ACORN will not stimulate
Providing the museum of modern art millions will not stimulate
Controlling the ways companies run their businesses and effectively getting in the way of the free markets will not stimulate

I too am awaiting the lefty response. Aint gettin one though me thinks. The problem might be that the lefties are still fixated on bush and limbaugh. Its the stock answer