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  • ufgators68
    ufgators68 reacted to Evil gator's post in the thread 🤔Ask TGB Lawn Mower with Like Like.
    sure become a full blown gay commie juggs
  • Evil gator
    Evil gator replied to the thread Politics Politics.
    Also I assume they are on the take via a phony NGO.
  • Juggs
    Juggs replied to the thread Politics Politics.
    They are stupid dems, it just astonishes me how many real people are actually pissed and accusing Elon of corruption as he exposes all...
  • Evil gator
    Evil gator reacted to Irish Mike's post in the thread Politics Politics with Like Like.
    Same people have been sucking Elon's cock for 10 years. Then he buys twitter, lets conservatives speak, and he is the devil now.
  • Evil gator
    Evil gator replied to the thread Politics Politics.
    I just assume they are a stupid dem. One of my friends here is really involved in DC bar and has a lot of friends getting fired and I'm...
  • Irish Mike
    Irish Mike replied to the thread Politics Politics.
    Same people have been sucking Elon's cock for 10 years. Then he buys twitter, lets conservatives speak, and he is the devil now.
  • Juggs
    Juggs replied to the thread Politics Politics.
    It's amazing how many facebookers loathe Elon. The comments are hysterical re: Elon auditing Fort Knox. "I work with databases, I know...
  • Evil gator
    Evil gator replied to the thread 🤔Ask TGB Lawn Mower.
    I haven't mowed a lawn since I was 18
  • Tommy
    Tommy reacted to Juggs's post in the thread Politics Politics with Like Like.
    It's legit. NATO agreed to keep bases off their border to keep him from invading. NATO waited some years and put the bases on Russia's...
  • Gatorbreeze
    Gatorbreeze replied to the thread 🐊Gators Thanks, Coach....
    Very much a class act, smooth sailing Coach, well done!
  • Juggs
    Juggs replied to the thread 🤔Ask TGB Lawn Mower.
    You ever had to replace a carburetor because your stupid ass left gas in it over the winter? It cost half as much as the fucking mower...
  • Juggs
    Juggs replied to the thread Politics Politics.
    It's legit. NATO agreed to keep bases off their border to keep him from invading. NATO waited some years and put the bases on Russia's...
  • Tommy
    Tommy replied to the thread Politics Politics.
    I’ve not dug into the “Putin was provoked” narrative, to see how much of that is bs, but I have heard several people lay out basically...
  • Tommy
    Tommy reacted to Evil gator's post in the thread Politics Politics with Like Like.
    I actually do think Putin is bad and shouldn’t invade other countries. I also think Ukraine is sketchy af and we shouldn’t be pouring...
  • Evil gator
    Evil gator replied to the thread 🤔Ask TGB Lawn Mower.
    sure become a full blown gay commie juggs