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🤔Ask TGB What can I get away with?

For a while now, on a regular basis, some piece of shit has been dumping garbage over my fence into my back yard at night. Usually cups from Zaxby's, energy drink cans, etc. Last night they added a couple a large flat cardboard box and some energy drink cardboard cases. It's fairly routine, I suspect someone who gets off work late at night and walks home.

I don't have the positioning to place a game camera. Maybe at best case, I could get on a ladder and mount it to a tree limb, but it's not an old tree. Limbs on this magnolia probably aren't strong enough. If I can manage to get a clear shot of the area, I will, but it seems unlikely. So maybe I just set it inside and look for the time of night this is happening.

So if I'm able to identify a time of night....what can I do about it? I'm leaning towards a bb gun or the .177 pellet gun and pop them from where I'd be hiding (opposite of my property). This would obviously ruin my night/sleep in hopes they try it again. I'll start logging the days it happens and see if there's an exact schedule. What I'd really like to do is take a couple larger body traps and place them by my fence (they're going behind the neighborhood sign to do this, so I have an area). Yeah that's illegal, but prove I put them there? The downside is I'd have to put them out at dark and make sure I get them back before dawn; obviously I can't leave them there during the day.

No, just picking up their garbage from my yard constantly is not an option. Any suggestions? 68 should have a good idea or two....
Motion activated floodlights and sprinklers. Not as fun as plunking them in the ass with a bb, but less likely to get your ass tossed in jail.
Motion activated floodlights and sprinklers. Not as fun as plunking them in the ass with a bb, but less likely to get your ass tossed in jail.
No evidence, no proof. They'd never be able to prove it was me. But to keep them from targeting my house/vehicle after getting shot littering in my yard, I'd let them do it and keep walking so I can stalk them. Revenge on their door step or away from my house is much safer.

If they're doing this at midnight or later, floodlights, who cares? There's no one around at night to see them anyway.
I'd go with the watching to see if there is a regular time they come through, then get a paintball gun after them.

You being in town complicates things.
I'd go with the watching to see if there is a regular time they come through, then get a paintball gun after them.

You being in town complicates things.
Pinpointing a routine is my first goal. I'm not spending money on a paintball gun though. My kid's red rider won't even break the skin, probably hurts less than a paintball gun. I could also take her slingshot and get them with a rock. Yeah, being in the city sucks, but that's why if I caught the person, I'd stalk them down the road a while and not do anything by my house.
A paintball claymore would be great but you would have to set it to remotely trigger instead of a tripwire deal.

Any chance we can get a MS Paint diagram of your neighborhood layout?
I'm right on the corner of my neighborhood road and the major road so the sidewalk is basically up against my privacy fence. So the little landscaped area with the neighborhood sign is in front of the red where the trash gets dumped. There are bushes about 10 feet away that would be out of the way, the camera unseen at night, and give a clear line of sight. Though my preferred angle has nothing to hold it up, I'd have to strap it to a thick piece of rebar and stab it into some other bushes. Those are much taller and I can get a better height. Downside is if the full view isn't blocked by the sign, it'll go off every time a car drives by :lol:


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He's ducking behind a sign to through the garbage? If it is dark in that area at night, coil up some razor wire between your fence and the sign and let him walk into it.
Could you screw a small piece of 2x4, to the top of the fence, then mount of those screw in game camera mounts to it? You can aim it to avoid most of the road and have it directed down.

If there's hidden space behind the sign you may have somebody living there like the dude behind the TV at Blues house.
If there's hidden space behind the sign you may have somebody living there like the dude behind the TV at Blues house.
It's not hidden at all. Not like you can't see legs behind the sign or a head sticking above, but it would conceal someone holding shit waiting for it to be clear to toss it over the fence. It's right at the corner and that's 39th ave I'm on, so cars are always going by.

68, I zip tied it to one of those long heavy steel garden stakes and planted it across the street. Unfortunately, though I had cleared a line of sight right after dark, a small piece of limb shifted into it's path, so all the pictures have a very lit up twig across it that fucks the brightness for everything else. A few cars going in and out of the neighborhood and can barely make out one person going for a walk at 5:30, but basically no visual from more than 15 feet away because of that twig fucking up the lighting.

I had to try and somewhat conceal it since any place where there's a direct path, it's very visible even at night. Turns out there is a street light in the area that I never really noticed, trees just block out most of it. But it's enough that a camera in the vicinity is easy to spot without trying to camo it up a little. So putting up in this frilly little tree thing backfired. Try again tonight.

And :lol: @ Doc. I killed a coon and a possum this week.