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šŸˆSports Superb Owl thread

I put 10 bucks on the eagles in a parley. Giving 3.5 points and over of 55.5. $20 gets me $90.

Big money, motherfuckers.
If the Eagles win there should be some pretty solid episodes of Always Sunny coming. But I hate thier fans so go Chiefs I guess.
Casinos are fucked up places. I was told no smoking out at the tiki bar. If I want to smoke I had to go inside.
I kept seeing Facebook posts about how Chris Stapleton did an amazing job with the anthem. I thought it sounded like feral cats fucking.
This Superb Owl actually dive-bombed me last night. But sat nice and still for a photo.


Just a little screech owl, fairly common in Florida, but I've never seen one in the wild. And it really made me jump - they are indeed silent when flying.