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🤔Ask TGB Online Gaming...


Any of y'all still playing on xbox/playstation?

Been playing Call of Duty Modern Warfare II. They have a battle royal game with fellow players and a fuck ton of bots. Pretty cool but will drive you fucking crazy.
52:20 said:
Playing DMZ a lot, it is a really cool game with bots and real people

Yup. That's mostly what I play. Getting kind of tired of the bots being super soldiers though. Picked off a whole platoon of them, yesterday, on my way to exfil, and ended up dying at the exfil spot from one that I missed. He soaked up 10-20 rounds from my suppressed SCAR, then knocked me down with 2 round. I used a self revive and the fucker hit me again before I could bring my rifle up. :evil:

Sucked. I had picked up 2 sniper rifles, a large back pack, and a 3 plate vest. Was going to drop the rifles off before I lost them.
They are supposed to be settling them down with the next season, but we’ll see. They are frustrating as hell, but it keeps it interesting.
I guess I am going to have to pick up some players to run with. Played 5 rounds of DMZ and got murdered all 5 times… not by bots.

1, 2, 3, & 5 were from behind, like cowards. The 4th was pretty fun. 3 guys were looting a small complex, and I was a outside the area observing with a spotting scope. One of them spotted me and the decided to try to flank me (I know this because they were in game chat instead of party chat).

They got out of sight and I switched positions. Took out the first two pretty easy. 3rd guy must have been sneaking around and must have had a 50 cal. I had full health and a 2 plate vest. He knocked me out with one round.

The two dead little shits were cursing like sailors. :lol: