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🤢Gross NSFP (I can’t spoil the upload, don’t open if sensitive)

NSF Pussies.

My hens aren’t yet in the big coop, but the 2nd stage above ground and very secure coop….and they’re already coming.

And I got 2 for 1 last night.
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I had this neighbor who would save cats from the shelter and just release them in the neighborhood. It started getting out of hand so I would catch them and take them back to the shelter. This went on for about six months, finally the bitch moved out. I probably caught 25 cats.
Same, they’re just doing what they naturally do. Why not take them a ways away and let them out?
52:20 said:
I had this neighbor who would save cats from the shelter and just release them in the neighborhood. It started getting out of hand so I would catch them and take them back to the shelter. This went on for about six months, finally the bitch moved out. I probably caught 25 cats.

That’s hilarious :lol:
Tommy said:
Same, they’re just doing what they naturally do. Why not take them a ways away and let them out?

A couple reasons. First, they can find their way back from a surprising distance. The next, per wildlife officials, it causes more trouble relocating them as they invade other’s territory and they’ll just end up fighting.

And I’m not wasting a gallon or two of gas on it.
Panamag8or said:
I follow that guy, too. That coon is laughing at him.

The guy is a moron. I trapped them because I put the trap in a critter path where they’re going under my fence directly towards my chickens. It’s there for coons, opossums or fox.

Coon is easy to catch. Get the “dog proof” coon trap. Stick a marshmallow in it and it’ll reach in to grab it. They love sugar. Other animals won’t bother it.

I have body traps to kill, pressure plate leg traps, the dog proof trap, and the live traps. My whole back yard is trapped. I’ve lost about 30 chickens to predators over a few years.
So my mom got back from Germany and noticed that a shingle had blown off her roof. She got a new roof two years ago after my dad died, so she called the roofer and asked him to look at it.

She's got squirrels nesting up in the eaves. What should she do?
DocZaius said:
So my mom got back from Germany and noticed that a shingle had blown off her roof. She got a new roof two years ago after my dad died, so she called the roofer and asked him to look at it.

She's got squirrels nesting up in the eaves. What should she do?
Step 1: Fill a horse trough with water.
Step 2:
Step 3: Profit!