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🤬Bitch Juggs is getting angry

USPS is the fucking worst.

A cigar order, $150, is shipped by UPS to the post office and USPS does the local delivery, so I only have a tracking order for UPS. That part was delivered. Yet, yay Shop app, I get a notification that it was delivered on Sunday as it always is. Only to a different part of time. Not an exact address, just an approximate neighborhood that doesn't have any fucking number in common with my street name.

Every part of USPS website wants you to provide a tracking number, which doesn't fucking exist in this situation. The only option it seems like I have is to go up to the nearest USPS facility, hopefully that's the one that services my house, and try not to be an asshole to them because the driver is a stupid cunt.
I assume I can eliminate the location that services my house usually because it's closed on Sunday and only the main facility in town is open Sunday, which is when the package is delivered. Just want I need to do during the week day, drive completely across town to stand in line because of some stupid cunts stupidity.

Asteroid - Gainesville. Now.
I always upgrade from that UPS -> USPS shit. Adds uncessary time and too many extra hands touching the order.
Juggs must be getting Coobans?

JTG bragged about his Cuban cigar connection, after an order I suspected they were fake, and they were. JTG was super butthurt, every time I’d bring it up he’d act like a little bitch
CigarBid. Not their fault the local mailmen or woman are fucking retards.

Talked to my mailman today and he basically told me I’m fucked unless the person who did get them are honest about it. Even though it’s geotagged upon delivery, if the mailman goes and asks for it back and they deny having it, despite the geotag, there’s nothing they can do.

I just want to find which house it did go to, just in case
Went to the post office and they found exactly where my package is, but they won't tell me. They said they'd contact the driver who fucked up, while admittedly baffled he ended 5 miles away in a neighborhood that has no common street number, name, or house number as my address. He will indeed have to go back to the house, if he consents, and ask them for the package back.

"She'll call me when they find out".

Fucking retard.
Yeah... that's fucked up. Anybody with an ounce of morality would have called the PO already.

I ordered a sound bar from best buy and forgot my former address was still on file. Then i saw a notice it was delivered with a picture of my old front porch. Fortunately I live only a half hour away so i immediately drove over. The guy was cool when I showed up and gave it to me. That was my fuck up unlike yours.
And on a related note I ordered an Xbox from best buy and when it arrived it was a two pack. I had a quick pang of conscience and then it went away as I figured they could afford it.

Then i worried they would come after it so I researched and the law is if you receive something you didn't order you can keep it. So i gave my weed dealer an Xbox for an ounce of weed.

Will i go to hell?
DocZaius said:
Yes. The 10th Circle is reserved for people who fuck over Best Buy.


I don't really care about people fucking over big corporations. They've been fucking us over with their prices for decades :lol: But Best Buy also fucked up with me a few years ago when they sent me an iMac instead of a DVD. The receipt and shipping info that they tape onto the outside of large boxes had my correct order....they just swapped out god know show many labels in the warehouse. I waited over a month to see if they ever noticed - they didn't.

It was a miserably slow piece of shit anyway and Apple computers are the worst OS ever, I'd rather use DOS. I used it 50 times over the years and it barely worked after that time. Didn't want figure out where a hard drive was in that thing so I dumped in a tub of water and threw it away.
Cigars appeared in my mailbox last night. Mail often comes late, so whether the person dropped them off or the mailman went and got them and brought them is unknown....but it was unopened.
I had a package sent doing that stupid UPS to USPS handoff. Got a message from UPS saying it was delivered, but it wasn't at my house. Called UPS and they told me it is considered "delivered" on their end when they hand it off.

Package showed up the next day, but it is still a stupid system.
Irish Mike said:
I had a package sent doing that stupid UPS to USPS handoff. Got a message from UPS saying it was delivered, but it wasn't at my house. Called UPS and they told me it is considered "delivered" on their end when they hand it off.

Package showed up the next day, but it is still a stupid system.

Very. I sent a bitchy email to the website over this stupid policy. Just send the fucking UPS straight to the house instead of the post office. They can't possibly have many customers served by the same post office that they're saving any money. And these assholes charge $8 flat shipping regardless of how little you buy.

I don't see any logical reason for the handoff.