I would like to hear your pettiest stories. I think women are typically more petty than men but y'all seem unforgiving and petty and that's why were friends.
I'll go. So at my previous job, I had a very smart but total cunt of a boss. She was nearing retirement and brought in an heir named Leslie. I helped interview here and thought she'd be good, and at first we got along okay. But you know working under a demanding cunty boss can harm coworker relationships, and if someone isnt all the cool, it becomes more quickly apparent. So it was with Leslie. We did some good work together, using her legal knowledge and skills and my more techy ones. But when it came to sharing the glory, she basically took all the credit in a way I couldn't really correct, in part because I was so blindsided. She ended up leaving that org before I did and worked overseas and it a different capacity so our paths did not cross. I added her as a contact on linkedin out of curiosity as with most former coworkers.
So fastforward to now, she's back in my orbit. I'm a leader in a group that her org belongs to, and have some good friends who are also leaders. So I've been joking that I can't wait for her to join the teams meetings I'm leading so that I can cut her off and be like "SORRY LESLIE TIM HAD HIS HAND UP FIRST" hahah
what a petty tyrant I am. But I don't forget!
I'll go. So at my previous job, I had a very smart but total cunt of a boss. She was nearing retirement and brought in an heir named Leslie. I helped interview here and thought she'd be good, and at first we got along okay. But you know working under a demanding cunty boss can harm coworker relationships, and if someone isnt all the cool, it becomes more quickly apparent. So it was with Leslie. We did some good work together, using her legal knowledge and skills and my more techy ones. But when it came to sharing the glory, she basically took all the credit in a way I couldn't really correct, in part because I was so blindsided. She ended up leaving that org before I did and worked overseas and it a different capacity so our paths did not cross. I added her as a contact on linkedin out of curiosity as with most former coworkers.
So fastforward to now, she's back in my orbit. I'm a leader in a group that her org belongs to, and have some good friends who are also leaders. So I've been joking that I can't wait for her to join the teams meetings I'm leading so that I can cut her off and be like "SORRY LESLIE TIM HAD HIS HAND UP FIRST" hahah
what a petty tyrant I am. But I don't forget!