Hands getting chopped off, police stations on fire, etc.
It's always the whites.Just continuing what they started that caused the Crusades.
Have you begged for forgiveness this week?It's always the whites.
Sorry sport, the Crusades were started by Muslims encroaching on Europe. They were invading. Religion was a scapegoat to rally people to fight.It's always the whites.
Based model/actress
I'm honestly torn whether you are truly this ignorant or somehow trying to leverage cringe humor in order to be intentionally obtuse.I don't think any of us did any colonizing.
Maybe breeze.
What a ridiculous 'comeback.'The Moors colonized Spain first.
lil' numby was my next guess after the thread where I triggered him with the cancer joke.Feel free to leave lil numby, you won’t be missed, as i’ll now put you on ignore, your entertainment value has reached 0.
311 doesn't have the balls to troll opposing views. Or control using "fuck" every 5th word when he loses his shitI was thinking about who was a angry little white guilt laden cunt who’s desperate and dumb enough to follow a chick to WI, and 311 & poor little numby came to mind, but don’t think it’s 311.