lacuna @ GC is talking about you. Spill the whole story please.
Ah yes, G_Gordon_Gator. Liddy, as I frequently referred to him.
There's been some mention from 51 and 92 of a secret invitation only forum started by an unknown former poster as a precursor of the final exodus that took the grumbling ingrates to their promised land where presumably they continue to chatter in safety behind locked gates. I don't know who started that particular secret site, but have nothing to lose in adding this tidbit to the current conversation.
Doc Zaius, a former GC member who was banned 10 or so years ago and had more alternate GC accounts than you can count (and still may) and I traded information a few years back. DZ may or may not have been the person who started the site mentioned above. I don't know, but he told me of one that he had started, and gave me a link to it. Unfortunately I have lost that link so cannot confirm if the one Zaius started and the one 51 and 92 posted in are one in the same.
Zaius told me the person who posted here as G Gordon Gator - Liddy - was indeed the 'mastamind' behind the cowardly flight. (The nature of their departure reminds me of the Colts deserting Baltimore for what they perceived as the greener gridiron of Indianapolis. But I digress...) Anyway Zaius said Liddy had carried a grudge against GC's mods and staff for years, since he posted on this site 15 or 20 years ago as Mastagator, and wanted to exact a bit of revenge. Hence his rage resulting in the manipulative machinations that lured his followers away.