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Glenn Beck - US needs an attack by bin Laden

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 5:46 am
by slideman67
Recently on Glenn Beck's show, he had on a former CIA agent who stated that the best thing to happen to this country would be an attack by bin Laden as it would "force the government to act".

Here is the video

Now granted - Glenn Beck is batshit insane, and he has shown this again and again over recent weeks. and Fox "News" has given up any kind of pretense at being "fair and balanced", but has instead morphed itself into the chief anti-Obama voice. However, this kind of bullshit talk from both of these two idiots is traitorous and treasonous, and is offense to anyone with any type of brain in this country. Is this what now passes for intelligent political discourse from the right?

Given the fact that Fox aired this bullshit, without any type of disclaimer, condemnation or retraction, in effect means that they support this idea as well. They now join the former Evil Overlord Dick Cheney in his hopes for an al Qaeda attack. Cheney is hoping that an attack will somehow change his legacy and if one were to happen, would eagerly emerge from his tomb and jump up and down saying "I told you so".

Can you imaging how apoplectic Fox and the right wing noise machine would be if a Democrat had said this? More further proof, as if it were needed, on how much of a fucking joke Fox is.

And where is the reporting of this from the traditional corporate owned main stream media? As usual, nowhere to be found.

And where is the outrage from both conservatives and Republicans? The silence is deafening. Could it be that more than Cheney and Beck secretly wish for an attack on this country by al Qaeda to further their own agendas?

On the eve of July Fourth, where we celebrate the greedoms of this great land and remember the sacrifices made by so many people to give us the freedoms we enjoy, including the many soldiers who fought and were wounded or killed, it is worth noting the fact that this kind of traitorous and treasonous talk has no place in the political arena and should be roundly and loudly condemned.

Don't you all agree?

Glenn Beck - US needs an attack by bin Laden

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 6:07 am
by annarborgator
True patriots are often called "traitorous and treasonous" for being brutally honest. I don't see anything wrong with, at worst, hyperbolic criticism of the willful ignorance of the citizenry combined with the uselessness of our government.

Let me ask you, slide: What else would serve to wake up the nation, short of such an attack?

It should also be noted that after the guest's statement, Beck says, "If I was OBL it would be the last thing I would do right now." That doesn't sound to me like he's cheerleading for such an attack.

Glenn Beck - US needs an attack by bin Laden

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 6:13 am
by slideman67
Unfuckingbelievable! Beck set up this asshole with his question, and then did not condemn the answer. That to me is an endorsement of the idea. I actually expected you to say this was bullshit, not agree with Beck. Wow!

And this country is awake and doing the things it needs to do to be safe. As someone who did anti-terrorism training for a couple of years, I can tell you that we have good people involved in disaster management. And in taking the time to to actually engage the Muslim world, we are attempting to stop the creation of more jihadis.

If this kind of bullshit is what passes for intelligent political discourse from the right, then the movement is truly intellectually dead.

Glenn Beck - US needs an attack by bin Laden

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 6:20 am
by annarborgator
The fact that you think this is a big deal illustrates the ignorance of our citizenry perfectly.

Having "good people" in disaster management is not the same thing as actually being prepared. Your lack of understanding of that point makes it clear that you don't understand real risk.

And I never called it intelligent political discourse; in fact, I think it's a statement that's crafted mainly to engender outrage. You've fallen for their trap. Focus on something a little more important and I might care.

Glenn Beck - US needs an attack by bin Laden

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 6:42 am
by slideman67
Really? Tell me, what expertise do you have in diaster management and terrorism prevention? What qualifies you as an expert in this field?

Ignorance of our citizens? You commentary and on this board exemplifies ignorance and stupidity on a grand scale. And as usual, you have no fucking idea of what you are talking about. While I expected some stupid comments from some here, I am a little surprised that they came from you. I guess I shouldn't have been.

Let me say again - you have no fucking clue what you are talking about.

Let me ask you a simple yes or no question - do you want al Qaeda to attack this country and kill innocent people to further your political agenda? Sinply reply yes or no.


Glenn Beck - US needs an attack by bin Laden

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 6:54 am
by annarborgator

(And I'm not sure why the cries about my lack of expertise in disaster management or terrorism prevention--again you've missed the point. My position is that no matter how many "good people" we have in charge of such things, effectively handling risk begins with the individual and none of our programs serve that end. Your willingness to ignore the responsibility each citizen has for preparing themselves and managing their own risks by laying the solution to every problem at the feet of the "experts", again, illustrates perfectly your lack of understanding of reality.)

Glenn Beck - US needs an attack by bin Laden

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 7:25 am
by annarborgator
As a follow-up to my parenthetical points, I have a few questions: what percentage of people have any meaningful store of extra food and water above their weekly needs? Do you have surplus food and water stored? What percentage of people have any sort of survival kit at all? What percentage of people have a survival kit in their car? Do you have any sort of disaster survival kit? How about in your car? What percentage of people have a surplus of medications and other first aid needs? How about liquid fuels like propane or kerosene?

Glenn Beck - US needs an attack by bin Laden

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 7:46 am
by slideman67
Glad to see that you don't support an attack. Then let me ask - what the fuck are you bitching about then?

And I wouldn't talk about my lack of understanding about terrorism and disaster management. I can safely say that I know more than you about the topic.

And as far as the questions in your second post, I have no idea. I also don't know why you are deflecting this discussion from Glenn Beck and his support for an al qaeda attack.

Glenn Beck - US needs an attack by bin Laden

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 7:53 am
by annarborgator
Glad to see that you don't support an attack. Then let me ask - what the fuck are you bitching about then?
I'm bitching because canards like this distract otherwise intelligent people, like you, from seeing the meaningful problems we actually face.
And I wouldn't talk about my lack of understanding about terrorism and disaster management. I can safely say that I know more than you about the topic.
All hail the expert, right?
And as far as the questions in your second post, I have no idea. I also don't know why you are deflecting this discussion from Glenn Beck and his support for an al qaeda attack.
You don't know if you have surplus food and water stored at your house? You don't know if you have any sort of survival kit in your car or longterm first aid supplies at your house? I'd also expect such an "expert" to have an idea about percentages of people who are prepared for such situations since that directly correlates to the level and distribution of necessary services.

I'm following the natural progression of the conversation: you brought up disaster management and I'm simply trying to see how much you really know about meaningful disaster preparation. I don't doubt that you've been trained to be knowledgeable about the status quo of disaster management paradigms, but that's only a piece of the pie my friend. It all starts at home, not with the government.

Glenn Beck - US needs an attack by bin Laden

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 4:26 pm
by radbag
let the record show that there's been no attacks on us post 9.11 ... say what you will about bush but there have been none.

i wish no attacks and hope barry'll be just as successful as bush was...agreed that engaging the muslim world is indeed an ATTEMPT at stopping jihadis but a reasonable person would understand that engaging them in no way prevents them....understand this will you.

if there's no attacks on us in the next 4 (or 8) years while barry's at the wheel, i will concede that his approach worked.

there's a lot of time from now til then slider.

Glenn Beck - US needs an attack by bin Laden

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 7:51 pm
by annarborgator
I'm still waiting on the expert's answers to my very simple questions.
You don't know if you have surplus food and water stored at your house? You don't know if you have any sort of survival kit in your car or longterm first aid supplies at your house? I'd also expect such an "expert" to have an idea about percentages of people who are prepared for such situations since that directly correlates to the level and distribution of necessary services.

I'm following the natural progression of the conversation: you brought up disaster management and I'm simply trying to see how much you really know about meaningful disaster preparation. I don't doubt that you've been trained to be knowledgeable about the status quo of disaster management paradigms, but that's only a piece of the pie my friend. It all starts at home, not with the government.