Kansas suspends tax refunds, may miss payroll

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Kansas suspends tax refunds, may miss payroll

Post by annarborgator »

Politicians fucking suck--every level, every party. I'm not going to even cut and paste the idiocy going on between the governor and the legislature, just the numbers:
Kansas’ cash-flow problem stems in part from the worsening recession and lower-than-expected tax revenue.

As a result, the state had only $10million in its checking account Monday morning.

Most immediately, that means the state does not have $24 million to cover payroll for the state's 42,000 employees and about $20 million for payments to Medicaid providers such as doctors, hospitals and nursing homes, Goossen said. Usually the state processes the payments on Wednesday and sends the checks out Friday.

"State employees simply have no more to give. Paychecks shouldn’t be held hostage for political maneuvering," said Lisa Ochs, president of the Kansas Organization of State Employees.

Kansas taxpayers also are due about $12 million in income tax returns. The state stopped payments on the refunds Friday.
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Kansas suspends tax refunds, may miss payroll

Post by radbag »

cali as well...announced 20K job cuts and will not be able to pay tax refunds.

something tells me too that those who will owe will 'get them back' post april 15th.
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