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Small tidbit re: my job

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 1:53 pm
by G8rMom7
We were told yesterday that we WOULD be getting merit increases this year. (Of course I am still not holding my breath). There is not as MUCH to go around so they likely won't be AS much as previous years (duh!). But another interesting tidbit was that executives were getting ZERO merit raises this year. They have been offered buyouts and "voluntary separation" packages but none of us peons know what all that entails. If it's anything like it was after 9-11, they were pretty sweet deals especially if you've been with the company for some time.

Oh well for the time being I'm safe and I should get at least a little increase since I had an exceptional review this year. I'll probably actually get what I usually get because the balance of my high performance with the smaller amount to give will make it wash.

I hope I keep my job because if I loose it Bill has already decreed that I will be selling uniforms for him. Oh joy.

Small tidbit re: my job

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 1:57 pm
by a1bion
I got scared for a moment when I saw this thread. I thought you well going to say you got laid off too, M7! So glad to hear it's good news for a change.

Small tidbit re: my job

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 1:57 pm
by TheTodd
Good for you Alli. That's a nice feeling to have some security in these times.

Small tidbit re: my job

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 2:02 pm
by MinGator
Good news!

We just got an email last week stating that there would be no raises this year company wide. Glad now that I asked for and received a little more at my last review.

Small tidbit re: my job

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 2:08 pm
by G8rMom7
I got scared for a moment when I saw this thread. I thought you well going to say you got laid off too, M7! So glad to hear it's good news for a change.
Aw, you know I would have been a lot more dramatic if I had lost my job! LOL. It was interesting to me that no execs are getting raises. The current gov't should be happy to hear that.

I won't lie...if they start laying off people (assuming I'm not one of them) I would feel quite guilty about getting a raise. I mean I can do without a 3% raise if it will save someone else's job. Not trying to sound noble (it's only 3%), but I hope this is a sign that we don't plan to have major layoffs. Only the shadow knows I suppose.

Small tidbit re: my job

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 2:17 pm
by radbag
allie - do you remember the time when we all discussed how we thought disney would be insulated from the economic downturn we were starting to see last year? you brought up a good point i thought about how disney wins if the dollar trades off because a lot of your clientele were foreigners to begin with...been a long time since then huh?

Small tidbit re: my job

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 2:23 pm
by G8rMom7
^^^Totally...we don't have that going for us anymore. I still think we'll make it through but like other companies it's gonna hurt. Parks and Resports aren't too bad but we are offering phenominal deals and hoping to make some of it back on merchandise and food when they get our attendance and resort projections are okay but not where they were last year (of course).

Fortunately though our company is also quite diversified as media goes so we have a lot of spokes in the wheel so to speak. I've told my boss that if they are thinking about letting me go to please let me at least go back to Entertainment where I can dance around in a costume all least I'll lose weight! LOL

Small tidbit re: my job

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 2:27 pm
by radbag
you're a funny chick al.