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Oh. My. Cynthia McKinney rammed by Israeli seamen.

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 7:51 pm
by bluegrassg8r

Oh. My. Cynthia McKinney rammed by Israeli seamen.

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 8:33 pm
by IHateUGAlyDawgs
McKinney in Cuba. Sounds like she's violating federal law.

In all seriousness, though, she's nothing but a trouble-maker looking for attention. I half way hope she meets her doom over there. I find it amusing the US basically seem aloof to her and her "incident".

Oh. My. Cynthia McKinney rammed by Israeli seamen.

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 9:08 pm
by AdGator02
I'm surprised that she got a meeting with Raul Castro. Did she pass herself off as Sec. Rice? I can't imagine, "Hi, I'm Cynthia McKinney, former congresswoman from the state of GA and Green candidate for president" opens many doors.

Oh. My. Cynthia McKinney rammed by Israeli seamen.

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 9:28 pm
by Toothy
She's a mess.

Oh. My. Cynthia McKinney rammed by Israeli seamen.

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 9:51 pm
by IHateUGAlyDawgs
she's an best.

Oh. My. Cynthia McKinney rammed by Israeli seamen.

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 1:34 am
by annarborgator
Uh-oh, she fucked with hater's precious government.

Oh. My. Cynthia McKinney rammed by Israeli seamen.

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 9:23 am
by Tipmoose
The woman is a waste of oxygen and should have been put out to pasture years ago.

Oh. My. Cynthia McKinney rammed by Israeli seamen.

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 3:18 pm
by MinGator
Was expecting group sex pics of Mediterranean men in cheap sailor's hats and a washed up politician.

Oh. My. Cynthia McKinney rammed by Israeli seamen.

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 1:18 am
by Toothy
Now we know what 95 faps to.

Oh. My. Cynthia McKinney rammed by Israeli seamen.

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 6:52 pm
by slideman67
Heh Heh - You said rammed by semen...... :hump:

Oh. My. Cynthia McKinney rammed by Israeli seamen.

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 12:12 am
by MinGator
There is a difference between expecting and hoping for.