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The Back Alley Archives • lacuna thinks it's the BP
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lacuna thinks it's the BP

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 1:10 pm
by radbag

I started a thread about the egregious rewarding of "rep" and how it diminishes and cheapens the value of a truly outstanding post. One of the mods found it necessary to merge my thread with another and my points were quickly swallowed up in the mad pursuit of "rep".

Unlike most others wondering about what is going on lately, I do know. It's a situation that goes back several years and I regret to say I was in the thick of it for several years as the poster formerly known as PosterGirl. There is a group of posters that formerly posted here in the Pub several years ago before GC joined Scout. They were a rowdy group that frequently chapped Ray's hide with their Bizarre humor. The disagreements led to them leaving and starting their own message board. They occasionally return and get into it again I think. My philosophy of life changed and it became too wild and outrageous for me so two years ago I asked for my access and posting privileges to be suspended. Didn't want the temptation to lurk there.

Last fall when GC changed formats they returned on a periodic raid and made some unfounded/untrue accusations against a favorite and faithful poster on this board. It disturbed me greatly and I started a thread telling them to "go home" to their own little self created corner of the universe where they have set up their own board. I asked if the vicious posts they were making here tearing down the character of Pub regulars made them feel bigger and better about themselves. It got ugly fast. I had retained PM access on that board to enable me to communicate with certain ones but after that post on this board I was banned completely on the other faster than a NY minute.

There's lots more to this story but that's all your gonna get for now. Else GG may have to ban me.

lacuna thinks it's the BP

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 1:12 pm
by RickySlade

lacuna thinks it's the BP

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 1:22 pm
by apexgator
Just finished reading that over there. Having fun and letting others take the fall - priceless.

lacuna thinks it's the BP

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 1:24 pm
by IHateUGAlyDawgs
judging by Growl's e-mails to me, he'll probably inform them that there's a second group and we're the ones causing the "trouble"

lacuna thinks it's the BP

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 1:29 pm
by apexgator
Ihate ... please share.

lacuna thinks it's the BP

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 1:30 pm
by IHateUGAlyDawgs
apex - will do - when I get home.

work won't let me access my yahoo accounts.

lacuna thinks it's the BP

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 1:30 pm
by urapnes
where is that quote from? didnt' see it over there.

lacuna thinks it's the BP

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 1:31 pm
by AdGator02
eeeeeeeeeeeeexxxxxxxxxxcellent [img]{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_evil3-1.gif[/img]

lacuna thinks it's the BP

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 2:03 pm
by radbag
from todds partner (or ex-partner steelgator)

fwiw - he don't know what the fuck he's talking about...some mods had full autonomy and degator will attest to this...won't name who that mod was but he's no longer a mod there anymore....hell - he can't even get a few dozen aliases thru...that mod/admin could do anything he wanted...mind you, that was during the days of scout and during THOSE days, rivals were free to roam about the scout network...fast forward to today, there's nothing to do...all your registered posters are GATORS...what a marroon. [img]{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_king.gif[/img]

anyways - he was a non entity in the moderator enclave...i don't remember 1 thing that guy may or may not have done for that site. oh well...here's the faggotry for your viewing pleasure

he must be trying to justify his free membership to the insiders since he no longer 'donates' his precious time.

Let me add my $0.02 regarding the Admins, Mods, and bannings. I was a Moderator (Gator Bytes forum) for a year or so, back in the Scout.com days. Of course GB has no real problems so we never needed to ban anyone, but I had access to a private forum where Moderators discuss a sorts of "behind the scenes" stuff.

I read that forum every day, and I can honestly say that the GC Admin and Moderator team are extraordinarily fair, patient, and professional in the way that they run the forums. It was amazing to me to read about some of the crud they had to put up with, and the lengths they would go to investigate a problem before handing out any bannings.

There were the occasional times where something wasn't handled right, but usually it was made right quickly -- as Growl did with AA's banning. Realize that these are all volunteers, learning the art and science of moderation on the fly. It's a very difficult thing to make the forums run smoothly, when you have people trying to pull all kinds of nonsense everyday.

So when you see that someone has been banned, rest assured that there is always discussion about it before anything is done. Usually lots of discussion. They try to reach consensus before pulling the trigger. They all do a great job, but Growl in particular works many hours to make the Forums work as well as possible.

And for the record, I stepped down as Moderator of my own accord, due to some personal issues that kept me from giving the position the attention it deserved. I have nothing but respect for all those guys (and girls).

lacuna thinks it's the BP

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 2:41 pm
by G8rMom7
So how did you get this Mr. Banned-for-life? I had already read it and thought...blah blah blah. Then I saw that TTBGH made a comment about Lacuna's post saying that it was indeed NOT the whole story. He needs to get in here.

lacuna thinks it's the BP

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 2:43 pm
by IHateUGAlyDawgs
So how did you get this Mr. Banned-for-life? I had already read it and thought...blah blah blah. Then I saw that TTBGH made a comment about Lacuna's post saying that it was indeed NOT the whole story. He needs to get in here.

no shit. we need people to vote quicker.

lacuna thinks it's the BP

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 2:55 pm
by a1bion
So how did you get this Mr. Banned-for-life? I had already read it and thought...blah blah blah. Then I saw that TTBGH made a comment about Lacuna's post saying that it was indeed NOT the whole story. He needs to get in here.

no shit. we need people to vote quicker.

I edited the poll to communicate the urgency.

lacuna thinks it's the BP

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 2:58 pm
by apexgator
I voted twice just to help the cause.

lacuna thinks it's the BP

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 3:16 pm
by IHateUGAlyDawgs
LOL, thanks apex.

lacuna thinks it's the BP

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 3:16 pm
by apexgator
lacuna's reply...

Originally Posted by GatorGrowl
There are two versions of the story of why they left-- both probably serve their own interests. I know we are better off and I feel like they are too.

And as I now understand, there are two renegade groups, not just the one I knew about.

And TTBHG's reply

Originally Posted by GatorGrowl
There are two versions of the story of why they left-- both probably serve their own interests. I know we are better off and I feel like they are too.

I want to Thank you. You could have just deleted this thread like others do. I know that you can not answer every question, but at least you are trying to accommodate the posters. I wish others would follow your lead more closely

lacuna thinks it's the BP

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 3:31 pm
by a1bion
Who is this second renegade group?

lacuna thinks it's the BP

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 3:31 pm
by GoneFishinGator
That is probably THE first honest post growl ever made.

lacuna thinks it's the BP

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 3:42 pm
by Toothy
You know, I am largely bewildered by all this stickiness. I would love it if someone would start a conflictwiki thread, because I'm F'ing clueless as to what's going on.

lacuna thinks it's the BP

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 3:56 pm
by G8rMom7
Eh Toothy, I really don't think you want to know. Just vote yes on TTBGH...he's a good dood.

lacuna thinks it's the BP

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 4:47 pm
by degator
from todds partner (or ex-partner steelgator)

fwiw - he don't know what the fuck he's talking about...some mods had full autonomy and degator will attest to this...won't name who that mod was but he's no longer a mod there anymore....hell - he can't even get a few dozen aliases thru...that mod/admin could do anything he wanted...mind you, that was during the days of scout and during THOSE days, rivals were free to roam about the scout network...fast forward to today, there's nothing to do...all your registered posters are GATORS...what a marroon. [img]{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_king.gif[/img]

anyways - he was a non entity in the moderator enclave...i don't remember 1 thing that guy may or may not have done for that site. oh well...here's the faggotry for your viewing pleasure

he must be trying to justify his free membership to the insiders since he no longer 'donates' his precious time.

Let me add my $0.02 regarding the Admins, Mods, and bannings. I was a Moderator (Gator Bytes forum) for a year or so, back in the Scout.com days. Of course GB has no real problems so we never needed to ban anyone, but I had access to a private forum where Moderators discuss a sorts of "behind the scenes" stuff.

I read that forum every day, and I can honestly say that the GC Admin and Moderator team are extraordinarily fair, patient, and professional in the way that they run the forums. It was amazing to me to read about some of the crud they had to put up with, and the lengths they would go to investigate a problem before handing out any bannings.

There were the occasional times where something wasn't handled right, but usually it was made right quickly -- as Growl did with AA's banning. Realize that these are all volunteers, learning the art and science of moderation on the fly. It's a very difficult thing to make the forums run smoothly, when you have people trying to pull all kinds of nonsense everyday.

So when you see that someone has been banned, rest assured that there is always discussion about it before anything is done. Usually lots of discussion. They try to reach consensus before pulling the trigger. They all do a great job, but Growl in particular works many hours to make the Forums work as well as possible.

And for the record, I stepped down as Moderator of my own accord, due to some personal issues that kept me from giving the position the attention it deserved. I have nothing but respect for all those guys (and girls).

I am friken lost. who wrote that, and who wrote the top part. Long day, plus my mind has never been right

lacuna thinks it's the BP

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 4:50 pm
by degator
what thread is all this in? Just give me the title

lacuna thinks it's the BP

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 4:51 pm
by annarborgator
i think that's in the Reasons for Repping? thread, de

lacuna thinks it's the BP

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 5:05 pm
by degator
yep found it reading it now.

lacuna thinks it's the BP

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 5:52 pm
by radbag
Admitting that there are not ONE but TWO renegade groups as he puts it will ultimately be his undoing. CRITICAL mistake by growl and one I assumed he would not make. I assumed all along that he was content to be vague and dodgy in an effort to quell the masses and hope it all just goes away. Things are spiraling more for him than I initially thought. For him to 'advertise' our existence has got to be his last resort. He'd rather pull wool over your eyes, deceive and lie rather than admit that there are TWO living, breathing, harmonious communities outside his city limits.

He's fucked as soon as his community finds out the quality of people in that second rogue splinter group. He's fucked. And I can't believe how quiet all the gator holers are. We're running a great spread offense and they're viewing from afar wondering and perplexed about how well oiled our execution has become. In fact, matt is in the hole right now drawing up plays to counter us as we read. He's trying to explain the history of us all the best he can in his typical orlando slantinel way. And the holers will be grateful and will be charged up to defend their beloved community. Little do they know that their fearless leader tends to bail at the least bit of pressure. He tends to go MIA during critical points of battle. TRUST ME. I predict him throwing his peeps under the bus to save his own 'board integrity' - and shane and tbl have not said one fucking word. They are content to view from the safe enclosures of the admin offices banning all who refuse to drink the koolaid. Vanders I'm afraid is caught in the midfield and thinks if she steps back, distances herself from all and allows us to play through, she will get a pass at the end of it all. I don't give passes to those who are not worthy. She's too mesmirized and too enthralled with all the 'board respect' she has ammassed in the absence of truly great posters. Does she realize that the only reason she's become popular and has been given the title of board mother is because the respected board mothers have left for higher ground and are no longer there? How stupid of her to not realize this. There's two or three of them and no room for more and fortunately for us, they right fucking here. Anyways, she doesn't fit here. She's to engrossed in wanting board reps any how. She's nice I'm sure but she's better suited with lemmings.

Fuck gatorknights and fuck baritubafuck. Fuck matt and fuck his douchebag wife who tells her bunko mates how grateful she is to be married to a moderator. Fuck growl for not doing the sensible thing in the FIRST place which was appease us all and let us have autonomy over the OBP. And fuck him for making it worse by showing us that he thinks we're flashes in the pan and thinking we'll come begging back in by taking the OBP away. And fuck him for banning me and josh from the pub thinking no one gave a fuck. And fuck gatorpam. On second thought, slider - YOU fuck gatorpam. And fuck solari for pretending to know what the fuck was going on. Fuck darth because he's a pedo and fuck matt the holers for thinking they can size up to us.


lacuna thinks it's the BP

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 6:09 pm
by a1bion
Werd up, dood. I don't even care that I got banned over there any more. It pissed me off at the time because the whole reason rad and I got banned was for calling BS on Growl and Solari when they turned the BPer's loose on the Pub and made everyone miserable for a day or two. All to drive up traffic momentarily and then step in and act like the great saviors.

I love how Growl is now saying he's going to be keeping an eye on the Pub short term. He has no idea how we're willing to play this.