School says teacher made kids wear dog 'cone of shame'
Florida drunk driving suspect has craziest mug shot ever
Cops say they've nabbed Florida's notorious bra bandits
Florida governor mixes up phone sex line with meningitis help line
Anticlimactic sex blamed for alleged attack on boyfriend
Giant-eye mystery solved, Internet heaves a sigh of relief
Atheists use 'unholy' water to unbless Florida highway
You can make $76,000 a year scaring birds in sunny Florida
Jesus' face appears on power box in Florida
Shrimp boat finds ex-football player's leg floating in Florida
Teacher quits after alleged interest in student 'boobage'
Cops use Taser on man for trying to put out fire in his house
Cop fired for using patrol car to move mattresses
Cops say they caught car thief on run when she had the runs
Impatient driver cuts in line, blows up gas station
Manatee joyrider caught on camera turns herself in
Here's why fans shouldn't use a mirror to apply their face paint
Police kill naked cannibal who was chewing off a man's face
Prom-goers surprised to find X-rated event in same building
Cat casually strolls through Univision weather report
The year's top 20 weird Florida stories
The year's top 20 weird Florida stories ... -in-review
The year's top 20 weird Florida stories
I didn't see the one about Donkey boy in Ocala. That trumps almost all of the ones on there, except for maybe the cannibal.