BHO has excellent judment though
Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 1:57 pm
ah...I see your point now. I concur.
Read-only, these are the remains of a once-mighty novelty sports message board
I agree - people shouldn't get their news from comedy shows. The problem is that the "traditional" media does such a piss poor job with research and follow up questions that it is very frustrating to people who are news savvy. One of the things that the Daily Show and Colbert do so well is that they point out the lies and double talk on their shows - Senator X says this, but what did he say a year ago - then they show a clip and it is usually the opposite thing. The traditional media doesn't do their homework. The DS and CR also are spoofing the news and the self important talking head punditry class. The CR is also spoofing the bloviating blowhards on the right as well.^^^slider, don't take this the wrong way but you always show and quote comedy shows on these subjects. NOT thay YOU are one of them, but I think it's sad that so many people get their news through these shows. I'm all for entertainment but there are so many peeps who can only quote things from these shows when asked questions about political news. Like I said, I'm not saying you are one of those people but I do notice you post and comment on these shows a lot and it just reminded me. Again...not dissing you, just commenting.
+1^^^slider, don't take this the wrong way but you always show and quote comedy shows on these subjects. NOT thay YOU are one of them, but I think it's sad that so many people get their news through these shows. I'm all for entertainment but there are so many peeps who can only quote things from these shows when asked questions about political news. Like I said, I'm not saying you are one of those people but I do notice you post and comment on these shows a lot and it just reminded me. Again...not dissing you, just commenting.
And again, I ask you how any of this fucks over your family. You keep saying this, yet you fail to provide any reasoning behind your comments. I don't care if you disagree with me - we can agree to disagree and keep it civil. What I am trying to do is understand your logic as to your comments.You're wrong, Slider, I LOVE dialogue because it means that there is active compromise. You seem to forget that I am currently enduring the nauseating atmosphere of liberal heaven- a college campus. It's ground zero for platitude and slogan driven liberalism that is neither practical or fair. It is, however, elitist and exclusionary, which makes the Orwellian nature of liberals even more surreal.
I am well aware that we are a nation that uses collectivism to support parts of our economy. I accept that. What I find inconceivable is a policy that fucks my family over for generations to come.
I really don't care for people erroneously assuming they understand geopolitics and economic theory better than me because they are of a different political party, and from my personal experience, that is how nearly every liberal behaves towards me.
Well I am not surprised that you belive The Big Lie of liberal media bias.I stopped reading that post when you implied the media is conservatively biased.
You are saying that the Republicans should just continue to be obstructions Dr. No's to everything?personally, and it not only applies to politics, i don't understand why anyone would expect compromise from the overwhelming minority.
on good faith?^^^No. What he's saying is why should any overwhelming minority in any situation compromise? There's no need. If the majority wants there way they can just take it.
no...i purposely included the bit about "....and it not only applies to politics" because i knew you'd come back with a "......republicans should just continue to be obstructions" come-backerYou are saying that the Republicans should just continue to be obstructions Dr. No's to everything?personally, and it not only applies to politics, i don't understand why anyone would expect compromise from the overwhelming minority.
Agreed. Republicans have absolutely no room to talk about fiscal responsibility, period. None of them have any credibility on that issue. Where were these newly minted fiscal conservatives when Bush started his war of convenience in Iraq? We still don't know how much the total bill for that was - including things like pallets full of money that were shipped over there that have disappeared. Don't worry though - the was was funded from loans China. Where were these conservatives? Rubber stamping anything and everything Bush wanted, while stifling debate and accusing those who disagreed with Bush as being terrorist sympathizers. (Of course, they were also doing important things like passing resolutions renaming French Fries as Freedom Fries.) Obama nailed it in his press conference when he said as such.Don't worry Ihate...I'm sure the Republicans would just go back to their bad habits if they had a chance.
additionally - in scenarios 1 and 2, the pubs have abandoned their core values and scenarios 3 and 4, the pubs believe that this particular legislation does not appear to support their core values and beliefs.I think the Republicans cannot win on this one.
Scenario one: Repubs support the bill and it will be their fault and people will say "you Repubs are supposed to be fiscally conservative, why did you support this."
Scenario two: Repubs support the bill and it succeeds...the democrats are so smart for coming up with this plan and the Repubs are just riding their coat tails trying to claim responsibility. Why is there a need for the Repub party anymore anyway?
Scenario three: Repubs don't support the bill and it succeeds...they were obstructionists just playing politics.
Scenario four: Repubs don't support the bill and it wouldn't work because of all the failed policies of W and his Repub's all their fault we're in this mess and no amount of democratic good work will save us.
most of BHOs administration were there too.Agreed. Republicans have absolutely no room to talk about fiscal responsibility, period. None of them have any credibility on that issue. Where were these newly minted fiscal conservatives when Bush started his war of convenience in Iraq? We still don't know how much the total bill for that was - including things like pallets full of money that were shipped over there that have disappeared. Don't worry though - the was was funded from loans China. Where were these conservatives? Rubber stamping anything and everything Bush wanted, while stifling debate and accusing those who disagreed with Bush as being terrorist sympathizers. (Of course, they were also doing imprtant things like passing resoultions renaming French Fries as Freedom Fries.) Obama nailed it in his press conference when he said as such.Don't worry Ihate...I'm sure the Republicans would just go back to their bad habits if they had a chance.
As I am done discussing politics with you. To the best of my knowledge, I have not gotten personal with you, but we are never going to agree. I will comment if you get out of line though.fuck it slider...I started writing a response that would've done nothing but make it impossible for us to get along...but I deleted it. Either way...I'm done conversing politics with you.
Let me ask you something seriously - I don't mean it as an insult or a slam. What are the core values of the Republicans? I truly don't know. It can't be fiscal responsibility as mentioned above. And it can't be smaller government as both Reagan and Bush presided over an expansion of government. The only thing I can guess is tax cuts being the cure all for every ill, including global warming and cancer. Yet we have tried that, and it has failed.additionally - in scenarios 1 and 2, the pubs have abandoned their core values and scenarios 3 and 4, the pubs believe that this particular legislation does not appear to support their core values and beliefs.I think the Republicans cannot win on this one.
Scenario one: Repubs support the bill and it will be their fault and people will say "you Repubs are supposed to be fiscally conservative, why did you support this."
Scenario two: Repubs support the bill and it succeeds...the democrats are so smart for coming up with this plan and the Repubs are just riding their coat tails trying to claim responsibility. Why is there a need for the Repub party anymore anyway?
Scenario three: Repubs don't support the bill and it succeeds...they were obstructionists just playing politics.
Scenario four: Repubs don't support the bill and it wouldn't work because of all the failed policies of W and his Repub's all their fault we're in this mess and no amount of democratic good work will save us.
based on a lot of what i've read on these boards, the dems believe the pubs are the reason why we are in a financial crisis and they also believe following the pubs core beliefs and values are not, will not, and can not be successful. dems believe that CHANGE is needed as a result. now then - if the pubs cow-towed as slider has suggested that they should do for the sake of aligning with the majority (abandon their core values and beliefs), there would be something REAL, REAL WRONG with the system we have in place...nevermind the fact that the prevailing attitude of the dems would still be there about the GOP despite the GOP jumping ship on their core values and beliefs as slider suggested they should...nevermind that...i'm talking about the voice of the minority and the right to be heard.