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whoever wins this, i hope it's decisive and without controversy

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 7:18 pm
by slideman67
ACORN is under investigation in multiple states.
ACORN registers far more democrats.
ACORN is a pipeline for money that engenders goodwill towards democrats from minorities.
And..seriously...are you attempting to say that the opinion of a closet Marxist hairdo sportscaster supersedes the facts in evidence?
I expect blind allegiance from the far left; it's their hallmark. But allow me to channel your hero..."Understand this:" Your denial is irrelevant. Defending egregious behavior doesn't make you loyal, it makes you a pawn.
Please show me proof of your so called voter fraud. This is another boogeyman in the arsenal of Republican tactics.

If ACORN is such a criminal organization, why did McCain call them the best part of America? Do you have an answer for that?

whoever wins this, i hope it's decisive and without controversy

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 7:31 pm
by bluegrassg8r
Are you intentionally dense?
Read this slowly: Both Obama and McCain were out past Pluto to associate with that organzation. I don't care if my mother came back from the grave and blessed ACORN, they're scum. As for the investigations, break free from KOS for a moment and google it yourself. I'm not wasting my time to reinvent the wheel for someone who sees only monolithic perfection in anything that helps the Left.

whoever wins this, i hope it's decisive and without controversy

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 7:56 pm
by slideman67
READ THIS SLOWLY - John McCain gave a keynote speach to the organization and called them ones of the best things about America. Why would he do that if they were a criminal organization. Until you can answer that, I would suggest you temper your comments.

Step away from Fox "News" - it lowers your IQ. And you are smarter and better than the comments you are posting.

whoever wins this, i hope it's decisive and without controversy

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 8:18 pm
by radbag
the experiment of a political forum is working out rather nicely i must say.

whoever wins this, i hope it's decisive and without controversy

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 9:14 pm
by bluegrassg8r
McCain endorsed them for the same reason any politician would: Votes.
That doesn't make them legitimate or principled. It makes them a voting bloc to be courted, nothing more.

whoever wins this, i hope it's decisive and without controversy

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 10:14 pm
by annarborgator
READ THIS SLOWLY - John McCain gave a keynote speach to the organization and called them ones of the best things about America. Why would he do that if they were a criminal organization. Until you can answer that, I would suggest you temper your comments.

Step away from Fox "News" - it lowers your IQ. And you are smarter and better than the comments you are posting.
I must interject. Your focus on McCain again underscores the idiocy of the two party system, especially where BOTH parties are in the pockets of TPTB.

I wish I had enough red pills to go around.