Was Mullen using this Sat night?

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Was Mullen using this Sat night?

Post by annarborgator »

I've never met a retarded person who wasn't smiling.
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Was Mullen using this Sat night?

Post by UFGirlluvr »

Louisville only scored 34 on UK and the one thing Louisville can do is score points. Im just having some fun folks, no reason to get in a tizzy. Like I have said a million times before this is a once in a lifetime thing for a UK fan
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Was Mullen using this Sat night?

Post by UFgirlfan07 »

Seriously. At least you don't have to live with the douche bag. I'm ready to kill him after this week .

Kick his arse to the curb. You deserve better Katie.

My favorite post of the day!
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Was Mullen using this Sat night?

Post by G8rMom7 »

Poor Joey.
Okay, let's try this!

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Was Mullen using this Sat night?

Post by radbag »


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Was Mullen using this Sat night?

Post by RickySlade »

Werd...I'll keep you company until Rad can make it down. [img]{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_thumright.gif[/img]
(Tipping a waitress) Here's fifty bucks; take this in case I get drunk and call you a bitch later.
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Was Mullen using this Sat night?

Post by UFGirlluvr »

Sorry boys she is stuck with me and 'My Old Kentucky Home" lovin ass and you all know Im not a bandwagon fan
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Was Mullen using this Sat night?

Post by AdGator02 »

i wasn't that impressed with the play calling either. how many times can tebow go up the middle in one game (when it's not working)?
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