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Wow...this is almost popcorn worthy...

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 10:54 pm
by apexgator
Matt wanted phonesex with the wimmins, Tip.
While his wife and kids were asleep in the next room.

Good work tip.

Wow...this is almost popcorn worthy...

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 8:23 am
by a1bion
What's most hilarious about that response from baka that Tip posted is how little he knows of what really has gone on. For example, the TCU prank--rad and I certainly kicked that ball down the hill, but after that the snowballing effect was just something we watched occur. And he's complaining that someone on the TCU site made the observation that Bill is a fat old guy who owns a chain of sandwich stores? Is that an inaccurtate statement? If not, what's his problem with it?

Wow...this is almost popcorn worthy...

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 8:25 am
by a1bion
Adding: rad has never led any raids of that board, nor has anyone else here. We actually defended them against a raid from the Bizarro Pub that was encouraged (some might say "led") by Solari and Growl. And that was the cause of the initial set of bannings.

Wow...this is almost popcorn worthy...

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 8:47 am
by radbag
good points a1

when they say 'raids', i automatically think about us just going over there and posting in manners in which we are accustomed...we're not raiding them at all...we're contributing...there in lies the problem...we're just adding value, they think we're taking over the place...we're not raiding at all.

in terms of true 'raid' (concerted efforts), i believe there's been 2 that i've ever been involved as a GC admin and one as a member of the BP.

as GC admin, the BP 'raided' the pub and initially, we were told to let it go....then they started insulting matt and stard and others and it got out of control...i'll admit that i had no idea who these people were...i'll also admit that the fact that no one from within was giving me clear answers as to who these people were, what they were doing, and what their history was kinda freaked me hindsight, i may have overreacted by banning a lot of them but i had no choice...i didn't have much info and support and thought the insulting got out of control.

as a member of the BP, they organized a raid and executed it...the fact that this was organized makes me believe the previous effort was organized as well and not just a concerted effort to contribute as we do....a1 and hater if i recall defended the pub honorably and we called out darth, gatormarc, and paulgator22 for using insider info to fan the flames...poor matt got trucked over in the process...and i don't even like the guy but felt the need to defend him...they were merciless on him and his wife...darth leaked info from within the walls of the OBP to provide the BP w/ammo...we called him out on it and was immediately banned....the OBP was dissolved and here we are.

Wow...this is almost popcorn worthy...

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 8:54 am
by G8RKyle
good points a1

when they say 'raids', i automatically think about us just going over there and posting in manners in which we are accustomed...we're not raiding them at all...we're contributing...there in lies the problem...we're just adding value, they think we're taking over the place...we're not raiding at all.

in terms of true 'raid' (concerted efforts), i believe there's been 2 that i've ever been involved as a GC admin and one as a member of the BP.

as GC admin, the BP 'raided' the pub and initially, we were told to let it go....then they started insulting matt and stard and others and it got out of control...i'll admit that i had no idea who these people were...i'll also admit that the fact that no one from within was giving me clear answers as to who these people were, what they were doing, and what their history was kinda freaked me hindsight, i may have overreacted by banning a lot of them but i had no choice...i didn't have much info and support and thought the insulting got out of control.

as a member of the BP, they organized a raid and executed it...the fact that this was organized makes me believe the previous effort was organized as well and not just a concerted effort to contribute as we do....a1 and hater if i recall defended the pub honorably and we called out darth, gatormarc, and paulgator22 for using insider info to fan the flames...poor matt got trucked over in the process...and i don't even like the guy but felt the need to defend him...they were merciless on him and his wife...darth leaked info from within the walls of the OBP to provide the BP w/ammo...we called him out on it and was immediately banned....the OBP was dissolved and here we are.
I wonder if this is going to be some kind of never-ending cycle with the Pub?

Wow...this is almost popcorn worthy...

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 8:58 am
by radbag
^i'm afraid it is.

in fact, i'm surprised vanders and crew haven't done so already...i'd think that your mom should be one of the first ones invited imho.

Wow...this is almost popcorn worthy...

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 9:00 am
by G8rMom7
Haven't done what...what should PMC be invited to? Clarify please.

Wow...this is almost popcorn worthy...

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 9:05 am
by apexgator
^i'm afraid it is.

in fact, i'm surprised vanders and crew haven't done so already...i'd think that your mom should be one of the first ones invited imho.
I wonder if lack of technological savvy is holding them back. I mean we secured the rights to DocZ early in the game.

Wow...this is almost popcorn worthy...

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 9:06 am
by apexgator
Haven't done what...what should PMC be invited to? Clarify please.
Don't want to put words in rad's mouth but I believe he is referring to a spinoff forum.

Wow...this is almost popcorn worthy...

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 9:10 am
by radbag
Haven't done what...what should PMC be invited to? Clarify please.

yeppers to apex...thanks.

i was referring to another pub spinoff as kyle eluded to...i'm sure there's one in the making and rightfully so...if nothing else, their pub experiences have brought a tighter knit group together...ones with more things in common than the larger the's a cycle for sure.

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Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 9:13 am
by G8RKyle
I just think it's a cycle that Ray and Growl probably encourage.

Wow...this is almost popcorn worthy...

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 9:20 am
by radbag
I just think it's a cycle that Ray and Growl probably encourage.

i'm not so sure they encourage it. they no it's inevitable though...they'd prefer to capture all the web activity as opposed to another site gettin it ya know?

as for the "technology holding anyone back comment", i don't think that technology is that big of a stumbling block in this day and age...i'd think that leadership is more of an obstacle and that's not specific to them...takes someone really, really interested in maintaining relationships to wanna put this all together....doc did it in a snap.

Wow...this is almost popcorn worthy...

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 9:30 am
by G8rMom7
thanks...I initially didn't pick up that Kyle was referring to a spinoff forum. But no I get it.

I will say there is a difference between "contributing" and "raiding"...I wish the bakas and baris understood that.

Wow...this is almost popcorn worthy...

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 10:02 am
by DocZaius
doc did it in a snap.

Hey, let's not forget that I had the temporary BA all set up already because of that little joke the OBP mods played on us way back when.

Wow...this is almost popcorn worthy...

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 10:06 am
doc did it in a snap.

Hey, let's not forget that I had the temporary BA all set up already because of that little joke the OBP mods played on us way back when.

Don't sell yourself short Doc. Hell, it took me 2 days to figure out how to post a youtube video. I can imagine how much of your time it took setting up this place.

Wow...this is almost popcorn worthy...

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 10:39 am
by Tipmoose
I have my doubts about the ability of most of those folks to put a site together. What I expect is that they will come back after a bit, and after other posters (like Baygator) notice they're missing. I expect we will see "Vannddderrrssss....we want you baaaack" threads being started soon. But that's just my guess.

Neither do I see them having the inclination to "raid" the pub at all. That's just not their style. Sit back and snipe and try to influence the admins behind the scenes, sure...but nothing aggressive.

Wow...this is almost popcorn worthy...

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 10:43 am
I bet Vanders logs in 20 times a day to see if there are threads popping up in her honor yet.

Wow...this is almost popcorn worthy...

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 11:23 am
by G8rMom7
doc did it in a snap.

Hey, let's not forget that I had the temporary BA all set up already because of that little joke the OBP mods played on us way back when.
Ugh. I forgot about that. I hated that! It was too hard for me to keep a secret. Whose idea was that Rad?

Wow...this is almost popcorn worthy...

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 11:24 am
by radbag
ironically - it was solari....remember? he registered and logged in.

Wow...this is almost popcorn worthy...

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 11:30 am
by G8rMom7
Oh I thought that was so dumb. I do not like being asked to lie...but I did my best. I remember telling Toothy and Ad to just wait it out...they (and others) PM'd me asking wtf and such. Everyone knows I couldn't lie. I would make a horrible poker player.

Wow...this is almost popcorn worthy...

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 11:40 am
by DocZaius
I had to be let in on the joke when I went through all that trouble to make the "Temporary OBP."

Wow...this is almost popcorn worthy...

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 8:44 pm
by sirhoppsalot
doc did it in a snap.

Hey, let's not forget that I had the temporary BA all set up already because of that little joke the OBP mods played on us way back when.

Don't sell yourself short Doc. Hell, it took me 2 days to figure out how to post a youtube video. I can imagine how much of your time it took setting up this place.


Wow...this is almost popcorn worthy...

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 4:04 pm
by G8Rpmc
I've been reading posts in this thread, and posts in threads in the Pub. I've been trying to catch up on the info.

Hall of biggie to me. I think it's a good idea to get those long threads in a place so that other threads could have a longer shelf life, ya know?

From what I've read on GC, and from some pm's I've received, the HoF change took place at the same time vanders was taking some bad hits from posters. Supposedly there was a thread that really cut into her, put her down, made fun of her, etc. That thread was deleted, so I don't know who said what, or why. Do ya'll know anything about that? I know some of ya'll don't see her in a favorable light, but those of you who have expressed negative things about her....well, ya'll are banned and don't post there. So I know ya'll weren't involved.

Pam is very friendly to vanders in the boring thread. She sure must be a two-faced person to be slandering her in that Gator Hole. I don't like that at all. grrrr.... If you don't like someone, at least be honest about it. Geeeze... Also, vertigo is also one who is friendly to vanders in the Pub. Vanders has always been extremely kind and friendly to both of them. Are they people that have to jump on the bandwagon when someone is being singled out in a negative way? I can't stand that. grrrr again.

Bill sent me an email. He said that he had made the vanders crowd mad because of his sarcasm about them being upset over the HoF move of threads. He said he hoped he had not offended me.

Vanders called me on the phone on Sat, as she and Flip had gone to Crystal River to buy some patio furniture, and the owners of the store know me. Kyle....Pam and Les Foster own a store there now. She called to say that she had just met a friend of mine. I was in Savannah with my mom, and we talked for just a few minutes. A very friendly mention of any problems with GC and the Pub.

If the present pub turned on her, and made disparaging remarks about her, where she could read them, I feel sad for her. I know she is not exactly "loved" by some here, but she is not able to read your remarks, and you are free to have your opinions. If she read hurtful remarks by present Pub members, then I can understand why she is very hurt. She has always had good intentions with her posts, and I think she has really loved being in the Pub. I know some of you will say that she brought it on herself..... and I don't know what to say to that.

Flip sent me a PM..."Her threads were being bombarded with vulger comments. It came to a head during a "raid" (whatever that is) by individuals wanting to be insulting and disruptive. The timing was in sync with the thread changes".
"She was very tired of being made fun of, belittled and the butt of crude comments."

I'm going to ask G8orbill about this. He will be honest with me. It was a very recent thread and it was deleted.

I think there has been an over reaction to the moving of the threads (BIG DEAL :SCARCASM :) , but I hate to see people hurt.

I'm just shaking my head in disbelief over all this stupid stuff. Also, I like Photogator's post. That person is very insightful.

Wow...this is almost popcorn worthy...

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 4:22 pm
by radbag
i love that you're part of my life pam cause you are a steadying force for me and i'm sure others here feel the same.

i'll be honest and say that i don't like the woman...she's condescending and her posts sort of come off as very 'talk downish' - that said, if you're gonna be a front line player, you're gonna get hit...i've taken hits, i've given too....bari over there likes to try and bait me with insults and comments...i don't give a hoot truth be told...not to the point where i need to debate him and defend myself...that's for the birds.

my advice to you if you wanna give some to vanders is to tell her to thicken up her's a message's not her personal romper room where she's the self designated hall monitor...tell her to lighten up and chill...if she can't thicken her skin and/or lighten up, tell her to stop posting cause she takes things MUCH TOO personal.

if it means anything, it seems as if she's very much missed there...mind you - i'm a shit-stirrer so part of me wants her back so as to create more tension there...i thrive in those situations and i love trying to pit one group vs the other....that's the thing about the message's fun and games...tell her not to take it personal and tell her to just take a back seat....she's mentally and emotionally incapable of being on the front lines...she's got tweak her sensitivity levels to like a 2 or 3.

something to note - you and her are contemporaries in that you've got a lot of stuff in common...yet you are respected and she is dismissed...why is that? i think we all know you should just tell her to stop trying to be like you...she can't and she's better served staying behind the scenes...some can stand in the front, some are better on the back line...she's the equivalent of a 'movie extra'...the woman standing on the bus stop line or the woman in the audience being asked to hoot and holler...she's not a marquee type person like you...she's not even supporting actress material...tell her to stop pretending she is and go back to being unassuming...for her own sake and sanity.

Wow...this is almost popcorn worthy...

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 4:28 pm
by G8RKyle
I can only think of one vulgar comment about vanders. And I wouldn't say Pam was slandering vanders in the Hole. She just
made it seem like she doesn't always agree with vanders.