Someone has set up a website where now you too can submit your own troubled assets, put a price tag on them, and ask the government to buy them from you, just like Wall St. It's Buy My Shitpile and it's awesome!
Get in on the fun today!
Now YOU Too Can Get In On the Bailout!!!
Now YOU Too Can Get In On the Bailout!!!
Can I borrow your towel? My car just hit a water buffalo.
Now YOU Too Can Get In On the Bailout!!!
Forwarding this all over the world right now.
Now YOU Too Can Get In On the Bailout!!!
That is fucking awesome.
“The Knave abideth.” I dare speak not for thee, but this maketh me to be of good comfort; I deem it well that he be out there, the Knave, being of good ease for we sinners.
- Posts: 8886
- Joined: Sun Jun 17, 2007 5:48 pm
Now YOU Too Can Get In On the Bailout!!!
Apparently there have been personal shows of disgust on Wall Street this week, with individual citizens literally dumping their shit on the street in front of the big investment houses as people leave work. [img]{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif[/img]
I've never met a retarded person who wasn't smiling.