Michael Vick update...ACCEPTED PLEA DEAL

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Michael Vick update...ACCEPTED PLEA DEAL

Post by G8RKyle »

The feds will take a long time, but will build an air tight case. I have a friend who is an FBI agent. He told me this, "The federal government is like
a big stick. It might take a long time for it to get swinging, but it hits real hard!"
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Michael Vick update...ACCEPTED PLEA DEAL

Post by urapnes »

i'm sick of the story already. it's amazing that there is very serious news out there thats not being covered but everyone knows about michael vick, a wack job wrestler and anna nicole smith's judge.
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Michael Vick update...ACCEPTED PLEA DEAL

Post by IHateUGAlyDawgs »

Vick differs from the others in a variety of ways, though, urap. He is the face of a franchise in the most prominent city in the southern region of the country in a sport that is followed by probably half the country. As opposed to a wrestler and a washed up fat porn star. That said, there are plenty of important stories also being covered, but then, who isn't sick of hearing about how the Dems think Bush is corrupt and the Republicans think the Dems are weak minded. I mean, I'm not tired of that either.

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Michael Vick update...ACCEPTED PLEA DEAL

Post by radbag »

i wanna hear more about lindsay lohan.
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Michael Vick update...ACCEPTED PLEA DEAL

Post by G8rMom7 »

Urap, I actually felt the opposite...I had to look for info on this yesterday that was different from the article posted above. Yet, there was all kinds of stuff on Lindsey Lohan...wtf?
Okay, let's try this!

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Michael Vick update...ACCEPTED PLEA DEAL

Post by TheTodd »

overheard at the McD's in the ghetto this morning was a conversation where the two men said Vick wouldn't be in as much trouble if he didn't look like "us." Also, all the did was have dog fights, no big deal. All that other stuff is hearsay.
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Michael Vick update...ACCEPTED PLEA DEAL

Post by Toothy »

Im not a fan of pit bulls but to do this to any animal is insane to say the least. I hope he gets what is coming to him

I know where you're coming from . . . but a pit bull that is not raised to be an asshole is usually a pretty sweet dog. It is a shame that ignorant people fucked them up.
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Michael Vick update...ACCEPTED PLEA DEAL

Post by IHateUGAlyDawgs »

agreed, toothy. I have a friend w/ two pit bulls and they're more lovable than most other dogs I've come across - very sweet dogs.

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Michael Vick update...ACCEPTED PLEA DEAL

Post by newsgator »

Do not be fooled - though I am a Hokie fan as well, I can safely say that 99.9 percent of Virginia Tech fans are embarassed by the antics of the Vick brothers over the past 2 years. And this tops all - it actually puts Marcus back in the "good brother" category. MICHAEL VICK IS A FUCKIN FLEABAG. If these allegations stick, I want a lifetime ban - if Shoeless Joe and Pete Rose can be banned from baseball for gambling, Ron Mexico certainly needs to be banned from pro football for participating in these heinous crimes.
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Michael Vick update...ACCEPTED PLEA DEAL

Post by Toothy »

Nike has suspended release of the new Vick shoe.

How quickly can you airbrush Vince Young onto ten million shoes?
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Michael Vick update...ACCEPTED PLEA DEAL

Post by GoneFishinGator »

I say slap 10 pit bulls around till they get angry, and let them into a ring with Vick in the middle. Period.
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Michael Vick update...ACCEPTED PLEA DEAL

Post by mommygator »

Oh Jeezus,I'm about to sound like star....but here goes. Dog's are for the most part domesticated animals. They are pack animals, and as such they search for a master to be the leader of the pact. They will serve their master for life (maybe, love--in my experience it's been absolute worship or northing). In that servitude, the"y will do whatever the master (alpha) tells them to do. I hate to sterotype a breed of dog as much as I hate think of a "people" being stereopyed. Our daughter has 3 pits, one I adore, one I am terrified of (she thinks that's the most wonderful puppy she's ever had) and one that currently "in jail", because there is not a fence that can contain that dog (she'd give 51's tree climbing goats a run for the money). On the other hand, our third dog is a Rotty. They have a similar reputation. In my humble opinion, some people have made an entire breed of dog into "killers" because, they didn't have the balls to do it themselves, and chose to use "servants"
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Michael Vick update...ACCEPTED PLEA DEAL

Post by Weegie »

Our friend who runs a rescue has had to put down four dogs in the past year for repeatedly attacking her/trying to attack her: one Great Pyrenees, one Basset Hound, one Pit Bull, and one Pyr/Old English mix. The problem is not a specific breed--it is bad breeding and stupid/mean/abusive people.
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Michael Vick update...ACCEPTED PLEA DEAL

Post by GoneFishinGator »

The problem is not a specific breed--it is bad breeding and stupid/mean/abusive people.

Gimme a fuckin break......

You truely think Pit Bulls can be good if raised right, and bad if raised wrong?

Darlin....Pit bulls have been bred throught history to attack.....dogs, possums, pigs, hogs, etc.....

have you read ANY of the news clips where a pit bull has mauled a child, "but he was such a good dog".

Pit Bulls can snap @ any little thing.....

Let me say this......most people that have pit bulls...have several.....WHY?
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Michael Vick update...ACCEPTED PLEA DEAL

Post by mommygator »

agreed, dog's need a master (and/or a family) and I totally agree that bad breeding and bad masters have a HUGE impact. Just a few years ago Cocker Spaniels were considered the worst puppy to bring home to a family. That was in part to them being the #1 breed in the country 20years ago, which lead to them being the #1 money maker, which lead to inbreeding, which lead to breading the" pretty dog" in and breeding out the intelligence, hence the heads got rounder, the snout got shorter, the breathing got harder, and the "squirelliness" got set in. Sorry for my rant.
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Michael Vick update...ACCEPTED PLEA DEAL

Post by annarborgator »

i really don't understand the outrage directed at this story. have you all had your heads in the sand? dogfighting has been going on for centuries. i've never been to one but i've heard plenty of people talk about them and blah blah blah. i'm sure there's a weekly dogfight around here somewhere, although i've thankfully never been invited.

i just think it's stupid to ban this one guy to hell when nobody who is soooooo pissed has found a way to change the laws and, if you think it necessary (although i don't see how you could) to put him in jail for life...or however long you think he needs.

but then again, i'm a nonjudgmental person. not really into the whole vitriol thing when it comes to banishing people to hell or prison for long periods of time. like to keep a *somewhat* level head.
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Michael Vick update...ACCEPTED PLEA DEAL

Post by IHateUGAlyDawgs »

I'll admit to having my head in the sand with regards to dogfighting...never really thought about it...would've never really crossed my mind that someone would do it...I dont know what punishment is appropriate, but like toothy said, this guy is the scum of the earth, IMO.

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Michael Vick update...ACCEPTED PLEA DEAL

Post by Toothy »

Yeah. Well.

There are plenty of things that have been going on for centuries.
Plenty of things that other people are doing.
Plenty of cliffs to jump off.

Rationally I can accept an argument that having dogs fight each other to the death is little worse than the hell that farmers inflict on chickens or pigs. Yeah. I can see that. Fair enough. And I'm not clamoring for the death of meat farmers (though some industry reform would give our species a little better chance of avoiding collective damnation).

But dog fighting? A) It does no one any good: it's not like we eat dog steak after dog fights. B) Cruel as hell. C) I have an irrational attachment to dogs, and so I'm likely to defend them whereas I'll let a lamb go to the slaughter.

Michael Vick is supposed to have attended college classes. In doing so, he might have learned a little about ethics, about history, about alternative forms of amusement, about honor, or about spelling.

Hell, he didn't even learn to throw a decent pass. All that punk knows is how to run.

In prison, it will serve him well.
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Michael Vick update...ACCEPTED PLEA DEAL

Post by annarborgator »

it's going to suck if those chickens and pigs ever get their reprieve from "hell". i'm not gonna be able to afford meat at that point.
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Michael Vick update...ACCEPTED PLEA DEAL

Post by TheTodd »

The dog fighting part doesn't disturb me. I know that stuff happens. It's all the other stuff that they did to the dogs that does.
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Michael Vick update...ACCEPTED PLEA DEAL

Post by RickySlade »

The problem is not a specific breed--it is bad breeding and stupid/mean/abusive people.

Gimme a fuckin break......

You truely think Pit Bulls can be good if raised right, and bad if raised wrong?

Darlin....Pit bulls have been bred throught history to attack.....dogs, possums, pigs, hogs, etc.....

have you read ANY of the news clips where a pit bull has mauled a child, "but he was such a good dog".

Pit Bulls can snap @ any little thing.....

Let me say this......most people that have pit bulls...have several.....WHY?
I should preface my comments by saying that as a whole, Pits are naturally more aggressive toward other dogs than any other breed. I put that in bold because Pits aren't genetically predisposed to be more aggressive toward humans than other breeds. The Pits that are aggressive toward humans were improperly bred, trained, and/or socialized. It should be noted, however, that like other breeds, every line is different. Some Pits come from a long line of fighters, while the aggression has been slowly bred out of others.

While Pits are genetically predisposed to be more aggressive toward dogs (some more than others) than other breeds, that just means more time needs to be spent socializing them as puppies and into adulthood. I know plenty of families that own a combination of Pits and other animals, and there have never been any problems with attacks (at least not from the pits)...I also know some families with Pits that have to be put up when other dogs are around. Come to think of it, I also know families that have to put up their Dachshunds and Cocker Spaniels due to their propensity for biting.

Again, I agree that a lot of Pits have the potential to be more aggressive than any other dog, but most can be great dogs if raised correctly. It's incredibly ignorant to suggest that it's impossible for a Pit to "be good if raised right."
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Michael Vick update...ACCEPTED PLEA DEAL

Post by Weegie »

gone, I have no idea why people who have Pits have several. I assume the responsible, good pet owners who have Pits like the breed, just as I would have several more Pyrs if we had the room.

I've worked in rescue now for several years, and there is no doubt in my mind that people are the problem, not dogs. Are some breeds more aggressive than others? Of course, as all breeds have been developed for different purposes. Are some dogs in every breed loose cannons? Obviously. Every dog is different--that is the only absolute.
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Michael Vick update...ACCEPTED PLEA DEAL

Post by Weegie »

Also, let me clarify my own position a bit: any type of animal fights (roosters, dogs, whatever) are repugnant to me. People who participate in any such activities disgust me to the point that I literally couldn't care less if they're set on fire and left to die. I take issue with any activity that causes needless pain for people or animals.
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Michael Vick update...ACCEPTED PLEA DEAL

Post by mommygator »

not a fan of the animal fights by any stretch of the imagination. As I've said before, my daughter had 3 (she would never be happy with one pet). While I was volunteering at the local animal shelter this morning, it was apparent that the place was overrun with pit mixes and some "full bloods." I also have had Rottys for 20 years (another breed with a bad reputation for mauling children). So I do not hold with the belief that an entire breed should be faulted. However, this morning when I watched a family (grandparents, parents, 5-month old baby) debating on WHICH pit they were going to adopt for their baby's playmate, I couldn't help but think --"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU PEOPLE THINKING!!!
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Michael Vick update...ACCEPTED PLEA DEAL

Post by Toothy »

Yeah, that ain't smart. Our cat died when the baby was six months old, and we're gonna hold off on even a CAT until she's at least three or four. I can't see bringing a new dog of any sort into a house with a newborn.
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