we want/need butch davis to beat spurrier right?

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we want/need butch davis to beat spurrier right?

Post by radbag »

i ask cause rambunctious and the rest of the tarheel nation are talking basketball :lmao:
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we want/need butch davis to beat spurrier right?

Post by IHateUGAlyDawgs »

no we don't need it.

we control our own destiny w/ regards to getting ahead of S.C.

Though I view spurrier as "Benedict Spurrier" - but that's a topic for another thread - so I wouldn't be too upset to see UNC beat them.

I do want to see UNC get better at football to keep knocking off FSU and Miami.

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we want/need butch davis to beat spurrier right?

Post by G8RKyle »

No, it has nothing to do with USCe's conference record. I prefer to root for SEC teams
when they play out-of-conference opponents, b/c it makes us look better when we beat
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we want/need butch davis to beat spurrier right?

Post by urapnes »

Go cocks!
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we want/need butch davis to beat spurrier right?

Post by RickySlade »

No, it has nothing to do with USCe's conference record. I prefer to root for SEC teams
when they play out-of-conference opponents, b/c it makes us look better when we beat
Concur...in addition, I always root for SEC teams in OOC games because I genuinely want them to do well. OOC wins are good for the SEC, and what's good for the SEC is good for us. [img]{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_thumright.gif[/img]
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we want/need butch davis to beat spurrier right?

Post by TheTodd »

We want the Cocks to 'lay the wood' to UNC, as it were. UF just needs to take care of their own business. We do need UT to lose another conference game though.
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we want/need butch davis to beat spurrier right?

Post by efbart »

Go Fighting Spurriers!
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