Hurricane Sandy tips for our members in the North

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Hurricane Sandy tips for our members in the North

Post by DocZaius »

I know some of y'all ain't used to big storms. So here's some helpful advice:

1. If you have ignored evacuation orders, write your Social Security Number on your arm in permanent marker. It'll help the authorities identify your body.

2. Keep an ax and a personal flotation device in your attic. Seriously. People die when the floodwaters rise because they can't escape their house.

3. For less drastic circumstances, prepare by filling bathtubs with water - you might need it for drinking, washing, and most importantly flushing your toilet.

3a. One thing you'll have in spades is rainwater. Collect some and use it to flush your toilet.

4. Keep a bunch of bags of water in your freezer. Well, if'n they're already in your freezer, then they'd be ice. But it'll help keep your freezer cooler in the even of a power failure and then you'll also have some drinking water when they melt.

4b. Freeze a cup of water; put a penny or other small object on top. If the power goes out, the ice will melt - and the penny will drop. If it drops a significant amount, you will know that the power has gone out for a long time and you can start cleaning out the fridge.

4c. Get bottled water at the office supply store to avoid the stampede at the grocery store.

5. Have a shotgun and ammo ready in the event of a Katrina-like worst-case scenario.

6. Before the storm gets too bad, put everything you will need in one room and hunker down there. That way you won't be wandering around your house looking for a flashlight when you need it.

7. Charge up all your portable electronics - laptops and especially cell phones - and keep 'em plugged in as long as you can. If you have old cell phones, charge them up, too; unless you have an iPhone, chances are you can just switch out the SIM card.

8. Download a shitload of porn to a hard drive while you still have internet access. You won't be able to stream anything without an internet connection.
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Hurricane Sandy tips for our members in the North

Post by DocZaius »

Seriously, folks, stay safe.
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Hurricane Sandy tips for our members in the North

Post by DocZaius »

9. If you're a drug addict, you might want to stick around. The ensuing chaos of a hurricane-caused apocalypse could help you re-think your priorities.
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Hurricane Sandy tips for our members in the North

Post by DocZaius »

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Hurricane Sandy tips for our members in the North

Post by DocZaius »

Wow, pics of a flooded Manhattan (from here):



(yes, that is Ground Zero)



More pictures at the link above. Pretty amazing stuff.
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Hurricane Sandy tips for our members in the North

Post by DocZaius »

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Hurricane Sandy tips for our members in the North

Post by DocZaius »

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Hurricane Sandy tips for our members in the North

Post by TTBHG »

For 875 a night, he wasn't staying at the four seasons. I can tell you that shit from experience.
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Hurricane Sandy tips for our members in the North

Post by DocZaius »

Radbag is logged on so he must've weathered the storm.

What say you, radster? Got any pics or stories?
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Hurricane Sandy tips for our members in the North

Post by radbag »

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Hurricane Sandy tips for our members in the North

Post by radbag »

i gots pics
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Hurricane Sandy tips for our members in the North

Post by DocZaius »

So... where they at?
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Hurricane Sandy tips for our members in the North

Post by IHateUGAlyDawgs »

How'd you fare, rad?

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Hurricane Sandy tips for our members in the North

Post by radbag »

personally - minimal damage...2 felled landed into my neighbors yard but no damage as a result...power was just restored this morning at around 9AM since Monday evening at around 6PMish...we showered and ate at the club we belong to so all was not horrible...we didn't get any rain to speak of...maybe an inch or two...winds were ferocious...i'm surprised i didn't lose more trees actually

some of my colleagues who live in NYC are still w/o power...some of my friends who have summer homes down the jersey shore have beachfront property now...a week ago they were approximately 4 blocks from the connecticut friends are still without power...subways are limited...metro north train i take that gets me into grand central is suspended indefinitely...apparently several boats washed up onto the tracks.

devastating storm but being without power this long is nothing compared to some of the others that lost homes...ridiculous
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Hurricane Sandy tips for our members in the North

Post by IHateUGAlyDawgs »

Amazing the devastation...I usually don't wake up for a Cat 1.

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Hurricane Sandy tips for our members in the North

Post by TheTodd »

Can't imagine the destruction they would of had if a Katrina lever power hurricane hit there. Could have been worse than the damage to Miss and Louisianan.
“The Knave abideth.” I dare speak not for thee, but this maketh me to be of good comfort; I deem it well that he be out there, the Knave, being of good ease for we sinners.
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Hurricane Sandy tips for our members in the North

Post by G8RKyle »

Glad you're safe rad.
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