Best way to stop a wedding?

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Best way to stop a wedding?

Post by DocZaius »

Anyone out there have any experience stopping or sabotaging weddings? I need some advice on the best techniques.

I have a family member that is engaged to man that just got out of jail for drug trafficking. No one in our family is in love with the idea but we thought "she is a grown woman and can do what she wants" up until her engagement party this past weekend. Now we have resolved to stop this wedding by any means necessary.

It was the most appalling event I have ever attended in my life. His ex-girlfriend (who the heck invited her?) gets up during the toasting period and starts taking about (i am paraphrasing ... she was much more graphic) how he was the best lover she ever had and no one ever made her scream like he did and that she hopes my family member enjoys it. It gets worse. Then his cellmate from prison gets up and starts talking about how the fiancee "took care of him when he was missing his girl" and "was the only one on the inside that made him full like a full man." I (and just about everyone else I know) took this to mean that they were gay lovers in prison. The restaurant had grown silent in shock by this point but somehow this revelation flew completely over my family member's head.

I just shook my head.
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Best way to stop a wedding?

Post by radbag »

i think the best way to stop a wedding is to kidnap the groom
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Best way to stop a wedding?

Post by MinGator »

Given the rate of recidivism for that type of crime, it would seem to me that a little PI work and a call to the cops could get him back in the slammer pretty quick.
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Best way to stop a wedding?

Post by G8RKyle »

Damn that's fucked up.
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Best way to stop a wedding?

Post by DocZaius »

[TABLE="width: 95%"]
[TD]Thanks for the replies everyone. We feel as though the time for talking is over, as the wedding is 12/12/12. It is time for action. We realize that she might be angry with us at first but e think she will get over it as she realizes that we saved her from herself. Her brother actually sends her link to his mugshot and record on the FL Dept of Corrections website at least once a week just to remind her of what she is getting herself into.

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[TD]Quoting casinterest (Reply 3):
Not to delve into her history much, but is she being abused or not dealing with a full deck?

She is overweight and has some resultant self-esteem issues but other than that she is normal.

She actually left the (okay) guy that is the father of her 11 year-old daughter for this guy. Let him move into her house, let him traffick drugs through her house which eventually led the police to raid her house and arrest both them both (she got away a plea deal and probation) and then actually waited 8 years for him to get out of prison.

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[TD]Quoting armitageshanks (Reply 1):
Have you actually sat down with her and talked about it with a level head?

I am the closest person to her in the family besides her brother and we have had this discussion several times over the last 8 years.

Her reasons for wanting to be his wife boil down to this:

* He makes her feel special
* He is anatomically gifted and dynamite in the sack
* Everyone has a past and he has changed his ways
* She is in her 30's and no one else is interested in her
* She wants a man to help her raise her daughter
* She can help him with his kids (4 kids with 4 different women)
* She doesn't care if he can't find work - she makes enough to take care of him
* She has invested too much time and money in him to give up now (She is actually paying for laser treatments to remove his facial tattoos before the wedding)

It is really sad.
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Best way to stop a wedding?

Post by MinGator »

That is Love I tell ya. Don't stand in the way lest you be damned for all time.

Or at least till the divorce.
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