Mr. Rogers nails it.

Stick all your provocative and controversial topics here. Then stick them up your ass, you fascist Nazi!
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Mr. Rogers nails it.

Post by Tipmoose »

No...not THAT Mr. Rogers....

THIS one.
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Mr. Rogers nails it.

Post by MinGator »

yep, nailed it.
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Mr. Rogers nails it.

Post by annarborgator »

That. was. awesome.
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Mr. Rogers nails it.

Post by TheTodd »

I like that guy!
“The Knave abideth.” I dare speak not for thee, but this maketh me to be of good comfort; I deem it well that he be out there, the Knave, being of good ease for we sinners.
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Mr. Rogers nails it.

Post by G8rMom7 »

I saw this a day or two after it was first posted. I've seen a bunch of guys express the same sentiment. Some even have some really good alternatives ideas, but alas...if you present any kind of alternative you're just seen as an obstructionist. I'm really tired of hearing that no one has any better ideas and there are tons of them out there.

Shoot here's a woman that could very well be me in a blonde wig with 2 ideas that would help...

Okay, let's try this!

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