you want to know what really matters in Washington, don't go to Capitol Hill for one of those hearings, or pay attention to those staged White House "town meetings." They're just for show. What really happens -- the serious business of Washington -- happens in the shadows, out of sight, off the record. Only occasionally -- and usually only because someone high up stumbles -- do we get a glimpse of just how pervasive the corruption has become.
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It's not about compromise. It's not about what the public wants. It's about money -- the golden ticket to "the select few who actually get it done."
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That's how it works. And it works that way because we let it. The game goes on and the insiders keep dealing themselves winning hands. Nothing will change -- nothing -- until the money lenders are tossed out of the temple, the ATM's are wrested from the marble halls, and we tear down the sign they've placed on government -- the one that reads, "For Sale."
Moyers: Nothing will change until we take the "For Sale" sign off the government
- Posts: 8886
- Joined: Sun Jun 17, 2007 5:48 pm
Moyers: Nothing will change until we take the "For Sale" sign off the government
So says Bill Moyers, a man who knows a thing or two about the machinations that occur inside D.C.'s oligarchical beltway, in a new article titled "'The Select Few' Are Cashing in: Shocking Corruption at the Washington Post". The article uses the recent WaPo lobbyist/government matchmaking scandal as a jumping-off point to chronicle the fact that our government has been stolen from the people:
I've never met a retarded person who wasn't smiling.
Moyers: Nothing will change until we take the "For Sale" sign off the government
He's absolutely right.
- Posts: 1265
- Joined: Sun Jun 17, 2007 10:07 pm
Moyers: Nothing will change until we take the "For Sale" sign off the government
well put.
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