Ya know what makes me laugh? Your hubris.Well that's fine. And people have the right to do what they want. But when this event is organized by Dick Armey's lobbying group and sponsored by Fox "News", don't try to tell me that this is some grass roots movement. More like Astroturf. And this will not get Republicans back into power. Mark my words on that.
One other thing I can guarantee you - if we had a President McCain, none of this would be going on.
Quite frankly, I find a lot of humor in this whole thing. Many of the people involved don't know what they are saying when they call themselves loyal teabaggers. It makes me laugh. :laugh:
From the Market Ticker:
http://market-ticker.denninger.net/archives/963-An-Open-Challenge-To-The-States.htmlI'm stunned.
Washington DC's Pelosi (Speaker of The House) and many of the so-called "drive by" media are trying to play off the "Tea Parties" as some sort of right-wing partisan thing.
They're wrong.
I was one of the first to call for mailing Tea Bags to legislators.
{. . .}
And by the way, I stole it from Tickerforum, where it was suggested.
To those who wish to call me some sort of "right-wing hack" I will simply reply that you have not been reading The Ticker. I have been an equal-opportunity rabid dog with my mighty Internet Pen, calling on the carpet both Democrats and Republicans in their mishandling and outright complicity in this economic mess.
Washington is known for not listening to The States or The People. Proof? 300:1 dissent from The People on TARP's passage - they passed it anyway. That 300:1 dissent partially was the reason for President Obama's victory. He didn't give a damn, and not only has continued the bailouts he has refused to prosecute the thieves.
And I can verify that tea parties have been discussed on the ticker forums and on the Market Ticker for quite a while. They were talking about tea parties and mailing teabags to politicians way back, even before Rick Santelli's call for a tea party. I'm fairly certain Denninger (the guy who publishes Market Ticker) voted for Obama.
So don't assume that this is all the GOP making up some nonsense. It started with regular folks discussing the problems with our country.